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All American
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plus, since these zombies are the original kind of where they don't run, they are only harmful in hordes and when you don't expect it. Still.. some kind of defensive position with a permanent structure would have been an ideal fortification out in the country side. Like a country side manor with tall walls and boarded up windows.

I mean if the end of the world was coming and countryside towns would have a little more warning time, you'd think ppl would raid their local home depots for building supplies. There's always the threat from within so you would also enact some sort of safety protocol to isolate people and have nightly guards keeping an eye.

Or is that too much sense?

11/3/2010 3:52:10 PM

All American
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Maybe they like to stay on the move seeing as these zombies are easy to outrun? Once a zombie knows you're in a building it can just wait you out.

If they're able to stay ahead of any zombie packs, it might be a viable strategy. I won't be trying it when the zombie apocalypse hits Raleigh though

11/3/2010 3:57:26 PM

All American
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"House on the manor" suffers from the same problem as "city".

Either the current owners are there and not-zombie, what do you do? Kill them and take their shit?


current owners are there and are zombies. You've left your zombie free camp in the country side and are inviting infection.

I think if you've found a secluded place with decent visibility and a way to sustain food and water, you've done pretty good.

11/3/2010 4:02:16 PM

Gottfather FTL
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so there's no chance of the current owners not being there? zombie or not?

11/3/2010 4:08:28 PM

All American
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11/3/2010 4:10:49 PM

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Quote :
"It's great and all that you read the books, blah blah blah, but let me have my own experience."

yea no reason to talk about what's happened in book ahead of it happening or not happening in the tv show.

i'm assuming the longer the show goes, the more and more deviations from the source material there will be, just due to the difference in medium. though there is a great body of work to pull from. i'm _so_ glad kirkman is involved in the writing.

11/3/2010 4:16:48 PM

All American
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episode 2 sneak peak:

11/3/2010 4:56:45 PM

All American
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11/3/2010 5:01:49 PM

All American
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Here's a timeline posted in another forum:

Assuming that the day Rick is shot, is the day that the infection starts spreading, i.e. day 0.
Nurses are still attending to Rick and changing IV..................Day 0 to Day 13.
Partner drops off the flowers +3 days from day Rick is shot.....Day 3.
News broadcasts start reporting on the strange infections......Day 4.
Infection starts spreading from Major cities to small towns......Day 5 to Day 10.
First patients start showing up at local hospital.....................Day 6.
Army sets up and defends the city for a couple of days..........Day 8.
Television stations are beginning to stop broadcasting............Day 9.
Power plants go offline.....................................................Day 10.
General City evacuation ordered.........................................Day 13.
15 days of Rick being in the hospital by himself.....................Day 28.

I think it's stretching. How can a body survive on 15 days of.. nothing? I only bring it up because the guy said the power (or was it the gas) went out "a month ago"?

[Edited on November 3, 2010 at 8:37 PM. Reason : .]

11/3/2010 8:35:15 PM

All American
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^ how are they even coming up with that? Maybe I just wasn't paying attention closely enough, but I don't recall anyone talking about 90% of that stuff in the first episode.

Quote :
"I'm just surprised he didn't have any melee weapons in the tricks bag, although a shotgun butt could easily fill that role."

Why would he even think of that? He's had a day or two's worth of experience with zombies. The dude obviously hasn't read zombie survival guide.

11/3/2010 9:52:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
""House on the manor" suffers from the same problem as "city"."

Chance that owners aren't home? I'm sure there's multi-million dollar estates out in the country that aren't occupied as a main residence. I know a few that I could go to.

The timeline is a bit far-fetched IMO, a little too fast of a time table. Depending on the incubation period of the infection and how long it would take to kill the host and reanimate the body into a zombie, the broadcast of strange infections on day 4 and complete utter chaos in 6 days to small towns is a little hard to believe, specially if infection only started 10 days before. Plus I would bet that the army (at least the national guard) would have been called a lot sooner than day 8 to help stem order and conduct martial law with quarantine zones. Considering that CEDA actually does work pretty damn fast in real life; unlike FEMA.

I also have a hard time with 15 days of rick being by himself; the body is pretty resilient, but that's a lot of time with no fluids. Maybe a week with one IV, two? gotta be fucking Jesus. If you stretch that timeout and re-arrange some of the stuff, I could see 4-6 weeks a more believable time frame. Unless the infection of patient 0 started days or weeks before rick got shot. Would be a subtle idea to throw in a news report about the illness when he was talking to his partner about the wife issues.

I'd have a hard time believing that the army was defeated in a matter of days in that scenario. Also his partner hooking up with his wife within a month time frame is kind of a dickish move.
Quote :
"Why would he even think of that? He's had a day or two's worth of experience with zombies. The dude obviously hasn't read zombie survival guide."

Well didn't he get bashed in the head from a kid with a shovel and his father had a baseball bat? Plus his first kill was with a baseball bat and he was warned about using firearms early on.

11/4/2010 1:07:47 AM

El Nachó
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I'm not really sure why everybody seems to be getting all stuck on this timeline stuff when you're talking about a show about dead bodies reanimating and trying to feed on the flesh of living beings.

Obviously there was medical staff still at the hospital well after the zombies showed up. Who's to say that there wasn't a nurse there up until a couple of days before Rick woke up and the last thing they did was change his IV bag before running off/getting eaten. In the grand scheme of things, it's really not that important. As far as pointless wonderings go, I was way more curious about how a zombie got inside the tank. Either it was an infected human that crawled up into the tank and "zombified", in which case, I'd think the tank would have been locked down, or it was a zombie that crawled into the tank and then fell asleep, which doesn't make a ton of sense to me.

But it's just a zombie show, so I don't let little silly things bother me too much. Except for the tents thing. I still can't let that one go. Fuckin tents, man.

11/4/2010 2:13:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Chance that owners aren't home? I'm sure there's multi-million dollar estates out in the country that aren't occupied as a main residence. I know a few that I could go to."

My point is that they are already in an advantageous position and risking encounters with zombies for a house that has a non-zero chance of containing either paranoid armed people or zombies is an unnecessary risk.

Risk vs. reward here people.

^I don't see the problem with the tents. They've found a zombie-free area that's secluded from major thoroughfares and appears to be viable for cultivating if necessary. They apparently have supplies. Why fuck that up?

[Edited on November 4, 2010 at 9:37 AM. Reason : .]

11/4/2010 9:36:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^I don't see the problem with the tents. They've found a zombie-free area that's secluded from major thoroughfares and appears to be viable for cultivating if necessary. They apparently have supplies. Why fuck that up?"

that's pretty much my view too. there have yet to be any zombies around in the open, they have been concentrated in cities and towns from what we've seen thus far, they aren't out strolling in the countrysides. can it happen? sure of course, but i think they'd be able to spot them from far enough away they could do whatever necessary to escape or fight.

11/4/2010 10:41:32 AM

All American
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i, too, would be sitting on top off the roof with a 270 mag picking zombies off. just fyi.

11/4/2010 10:58:15 AM

All American
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I personally wouldnt do the tents thing because I know I wouldnt be able to sleep....but it is a possibly safe place.

Are you safer boarded up in a house in town, or out in the middle of the woods where no one ever goes in a tent?

Really, out in the wilderness in a tent isn't so bad. Zombies don't really seem to wander...they mostly stay in one place unless something attracts them or activates them. So if you clear an area of the woods and no one else enters...why would zombies be there?

11/4/2010 11:24:48 AM

All American
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I don't have any issues about the whole tent and camper issue, its just so... un-easing. I'm sure they'd have some sort of patrols setup to make sure they have a warning system in place.

11/4/2010 11:35:50 AM

All American
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I didn't notice if the camp had any transportation. If they do see zombies coming, hopefully they could pack up real fast and move off to another wide open space. But... uh... I doubt that'll happen.

11/4/2010 11:36:57 AM

All American
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As I mentioned before, tents could work...

However, I'd have them centralised around the camper with a sniper on the roof, and a dude patrolling the perimeter.. not scattered out in the fucking woods where a zombie can jump out from behind a tree

11/4/2010 11:41:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I didn't notice if the camp had any transportation. "

They had a gas guzzling camper. I didn't notice anything else though. Not sure how many ppl in the camp, anyone count or kinda guess?

11/4/2010 11:49:33 AM

All American
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from the little footage they did show of the campers it looked like about 8 or so people.

11/4/2010 12:19:18 PM

El Nachó
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I mean, it's all fine and well that you think the zombies probably won't come out to the countryside, and that so far you haven't seen any zombies anywhere but urban areas.

If you can trust your life and well-being to probably and so far and are able to sleep in a tent at night, have at it.

I'll be the guy in the boarded up house 3 miles down the road.

11/4/2010 4:07:40 PM

All American
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jesus christ people... the show has been on ONE week. give it some time before you hyper-analyze every single minute detail. ever heard of allowing a show to unfold and explain itself at its own pace?

i'm about to throw some spoilers in just to get you all to shut the fuck up about the damn tents and camper.

11/4/2010 5:28:55 PM

All American
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have you been on the internet long? gheeze

11/4/2010 5:41:36 PM

All American
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just re-watched it with my roommate in all its HD goodness (watched the leaked copy first) and regarding the time frame:

The black guy said the gas line went down "about a month ago." So Rick must have been in the hospital longer than a month.

V yeah, it was well done. The only thing i didn't care for was the make-up on the guy's wife when he was waiting to shoot her. They didn't do a good job blending the color of the prosthetic on her face with the make-up under her eyes. looked crappy imo. i liked everything else though.

[Edited on November 4, 2010 at 10:22 PM. Reason : V]

11/4/2010 10:07:37 PM

All American
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I thought this shit was gonna be be weak with the zombies and all, since zombies are pretty much a fad at this point, but I will be damned if this show did not feel like I was watching a movie! Gotta have more of this acting quality, pacing, and surrealism that all melds together so friggin well.


First time I have been interested in a TV in a few years perhaps.

11/4/2010 10:15:39 PM

All American
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^^ yeah, theres a reason why almost every zombie movie, all the zombies were white. Makeup on dark skin is hard to do, specially to add definition and make them look undead.

11/4/2010 11:09:46 PM

All American
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^ the makeup on the black zombies in the original Dawn of the Dead is another good example of that

[Edited on November 4, 2010 at 11:52 PM. Reason : g]

11/4/2010 11:50:09 PM

All American
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So I'm confused about the whole 'zombie' aspect

Are we to believe this is a version of a "virus" like in 28 days later? And all the zombies will eventually starve and die? Or are they more along the lines of living-dead, and the only way to 'kill' them is to shoot them in the head?

Just gotta get my zombie facts straight here...

11/5/2010 12:13:47 AM

All American
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well if it follows WWZ, they just won't die off from starvation. I'd probably say that the half disemboweled zombie girl wondering around the park for a while would be self evident of this, but pure speculation at the point.

11/5/2010 12:37:18 AM

All American
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Quote :
"jesus christ people... the show has been on ONE week. give it some time before you hyper-analyze every single minute detail. ever heard of allowing a show to unfold and explain itself at its own pace?

i'm about to throw some spoilers in just to get you all to shut the fuck up about the damn tents and camper."

Conjecturing about what we would do during the Zombie Apocalypse is part of what makes this thread and show fun. Quit being a negative Nancy.

^I'd love to see just a disembodied head rolling around growling and gnashing...

[Edited on November 5, 2010 at 1:02 AM. Reason : .]

11/5/2010 1:01:35 AM

All American
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I want to see an underwater epic battle with harpoons and underwater battle armor like that told in WWZ. I always envisioned a mix of Moonwalker and Thunderball with zombies. Or even the grueling task of clearing out the dark water ways of sewers and underground caverns under our cities. That in it self could be an entire tv series, like Rescue Me, but with zombies. hehe

11/5/2010 1:17:13 AM

All American
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^ on that note, i really wish they were making WWZ a mini-series and not a movie. There's just not nearly enough time, even in a 3hr movie, to hit on all of the interesting stuff in that book.

> back to The Walking Dead on AMC

11/5/2010 1:16:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"jesus christ people... the show has been on ONE week. give it some time before you hyper-analyze every single minute detail. ever heard of allowing a show to unfold and explain itself at its own pace?"

It was a good show and the purpose of this thread is to discuss it. If you don't like it, leave.

On the topic of them "dying"... in 28 Days Later they weren't technically zombies... they were just humans infected with the virus. They still had working organs and stuff so you could just kill them like you would a normal person. They eventually died of starvation just because they weren't smart enough to eat regular food.

Zombies in their most typical sense however (and in the case of this show) ARE dead. The only way they would "die" outside of someone killing them would be if they simply rotted away to dust or got so dehydrated that they collapsed and fell apart or something.

On an interesting note, in the movie Return of the Living Dead the zombies could only be killed by fire. If you cut their heads or limbs off, the limbs would start moving and stuff. In fact, even when they tried incinerating them, the smoke got into the air and infected people.

11/5/2010 1:23:25 PM

All American
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i read this awhile back before the show came out:

natural predators - maggots, dogs, bear, buzzards etc. Dead flesh wouldn't last long out in the open.

frigid cold, and extreme heat would do them in. also biting is a terrible way to spread:

Quote :
"Nearly all of the zombie movies agree on one thing: They reproduce like a disease, one that spreads via a bite from the infected (like they have a virus carried by zombie saliva or whatever). But this also means their spread should be subject to the same rules of a normal epidemic, and biting is a shitty way to get an epidemic going.

The successful diseases have some really clever way to invisibly spread from victim to victim. The flu has killed tens of millions because it floats right through the air, the black plague was spread by fleas, etc. Not a single one of them requires the infected to get within biting distance to spread their infection. Sure, sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS work that way, but that's only because the infected can pass for the uninfected. Nobody is going to be having sex with a zombie."

can't heal from day to day damage, natural barriers.

11/5/2010 1:30:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nobody is going to be having sex with a zombie."

i wouldnt be surprised if zombie sex was someone's fetish lol

11/5/2010 1:47:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i wouldnt be surprised if zombie sex was someone's fetish lol"

If this: message_topic.aspx?topic=589518 is a thing, I'm no longer surprised at any fetish.

11/5/2010 1:53:27 PM

All American
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I thought rule 34 was a well-established rule.

11/5/2010 2:03:06 PM

All American
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There was rule 34 Left 4 Dead artwork of Zoey and Zombies.

I'm inclined to believe the 28 days later idea that blood to blood contact would also work to spread the disease. But it would make since that bitting wouldn't be the most optimal way to spread a pandemic, specially in the short timeline listed above.

Also, I always wondered if any characters in any movies or tv shows depicting zombies in them would actually realize that they were dealing with zombies and instinctively know how to deal with zombies since it's been in our pop culture for so long.

Point of order, Jesus was a Zombie... Patient 0. they left that out of the bible.

11/5/2010 4:06:33 PM

All American
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Nah.. he was a vampire... he had that whole thing with people drinking his blood

11/5/2010 4:20:28 PM

All American
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and eating his body... what does he think we are? Cannibalistic?

11/5/2010 4:54:17 PM

All American
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Heh.. new religion: Cathoballistic

11/5/2010 4:56:30 PM

All American
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Finally, something I could sink my teeth into...

11/5/2010 8:47:05 PM

All American
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Bump for tonight's ep...ready to hit up the Galaxy

11/7/2010 1:36:49 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"I'm not really sure why everybody seems to be :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( getting all stuck on this timeline stuff when you're talking about a show about dead bodies reanimating and trying to feed on the flesh of living beings. "

i kinda agree that people are nitpicking too much, but i disagree with the thesis of your statement. fiction is allowed to make their own rules for their world, but they need to follow those rules and make them generally clear. it is the premise of the show that zombies exist so they exist. however, bad fiction makes rules that make no sense and/or use them to fill in plot holes. people in this thread have addressed possibly valid plot holes, some minor and some significant. we'll see if this is just a pilot problem, or if the writers plan to clear these up in futurue eps. if it continues, it will be a sign of lazy/bad writing and turn people off.

11/7/2010 3:05:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^I'd love to see just a disembodied head rolling around growling and gnashing...

Me too

Who all is going to Galaxy tonight?

11/7/2010 3:09:34 PM

All American
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GrumpyGOP and I will be out there around 9...the crowd got huge right around 8:45, so we're trying to beat that again.

11/7/2010 3:21:26 PM

All American
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The first episode of walking dead was good, and I planned on watching the second tonight, but "sharktopus" starts at 9 on syfy and now I dont know what to do.

11/7/2010 8:50:01 PM

New Recruit
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Watch one of the five encores of tonight's episode: Now you can enjoy an abysmal movie without sacrificing sweet zombie action.

11/7/2010 9:18:26 PM

All American
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11/7/2010 9:51:55 PM

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