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Black and Proud
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Quote :
" what a guardian is."

verbatim from the movie "I'm the guardian, I protect the realm"

I feel it was pretty straightforward. You wanted more because you know more. For my wife she said "oh, so guardians are protectors of azeroth, trained by the mages in dalaran ... that's pretty cool " and we moved on

Quote :
" I can understand why people would find it choppy."

I literally mean "what does choppy mean"

what's the definition of choppy ... When they were done with the throne room scene they cut to durotan and orgrim chatting about old times... people are extremely upset about that. Why ? did it need to fade to black before showing durotan and orgrim ? I actually dont understand what the statement "it's choppy" is trying to portray (seriously)

And a lot of what you said is bias you brought to the movie, "why is the allspark in azeroth." A) we both know the only thing their share in common was being cubed in shape and mysterious. and B) if you never saw transformers you wouldn't feel that way, so it's unfair to the movie.

The same with people saying "Anduin Ragnar Lothar," you're just bias'd because you've seen vikings. Maybe it's his vikings character that inspired his inclusion?

6/12/2016 2:58:37 PM

All American
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I think choppy means it jumps back and forth between different story lines / topics in a way that is jarring. Like you would maybe expect a little more detail or exposition on whats going on or what just happened but thats done for now and you're taken to a completely different location/topic/character.

I called it an allspark because I have never seen or heard of this item in the Warcraft universe. It is new to me so my first reaction was that it looks like the allspark, which is the most familiar supernatural cube item ive seen in recent movies. Its not a bias; I literally have no idea what it is. If I had never seen transformers I would have been just as confused.

I have never seen vikings. I am confused as to what point you're making? Obviously Lothar himself is a key character for this point in Azeroths history; are you referencing my calling into question the need for the movie to have included his son?

Quote :
"You wanted more because you know more."

Yes exactly. I know more so I know there is a difference. He protects the realm. Ok so do all the soldiers, mages, and literally every other character. Essentially theres a wizard that also protects the realm but for some reason the movie is focused on him and he is given a special title; none of which is explained which leaves the character extremely shallow and flat unless you already know his story.

6/12/2016 3:44:05 PM

Black and Proud
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^ do you think that's the point ? in the movie ... An Archmage of dalaran, the instructors of "The Guardian" are also completely baffled by what's going on. I think they want us to be confused and intrigued.

6/12/2016 4:11:03 PM

Black and Proud
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^^ sorry no the Vikings comment wasn't in response to you just a similar situation to the all spark comment. One of he big criticisms right now is that Travis flimmels anduin lothar has very similar mannerisms to his character in Vikings. Critics said Ragnar didn't belong in Azeroth. But they only feel that way because they've seen Vikings first.

6/12/2016 7:11:14 PM

All American
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When we first see Medivh working on the golem statue, I hoped (apparently beyond hope) that is was going to be the Curator.

6/13/2016 7:33:34 AM

All American
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this movie could have easily been stretched into a trilogy with all the shit they crammed into it.

6/14/2016 7:47:03 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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It think a series - GoT style - would be a better format.

6/14/2016 10:56:06 AM

All American
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Good review that sums up how I feel pretty well. He scored it lower than I would have but he is on point IMO.

it is a spoiler free review

a much longer review done with 3 people. 1 lore expert, 1 that has played the strategy games but no WoW, and one that knows nothing about WoW. It contains minor spoilers but I think they again hit it on the head. Well all except thinking they should have started with Arthas.

[Edited on June 14, 2016 at 9:35 PM. Reason : *]

6/14/2016 9:10:04 PM

Black and Proud
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^ it's hard for me to take the review with the guy who cant remember the names of the characters in the movie he just watched seriously.

tell me the difference between Warcraft and Pacific Rim .. and why the latter has a 71% approval rating from critics?

You can't tell me pacific rim didn't have shitty acting weird pacing and predictable endings. Didn't stop it from being Great either

im totally cool with saying it's a pretty good movie, like 6/10 or so ...

but 0/10 reviews, and people calling it battlefield earth or DnD Bad are just laughably ridiculous

6/15/2016 11:18:46 AM

All American
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I found pacific rim to be pretty terrible.

6/15/2016 12:03:17 PM

Black and Proud
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well I suppose that explains it then

6/15/2016 12:17:54 PM

All American
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Just watched it. The acting wasn't very good and yes, the editing was poor, but it wasn't the worst video game movie.

As for what choppy editing is, it's basically saying the scenes didn't flow together well. Some scenes were unnecessary completely and should have been axed if they didn't plan on expanding them any. So many scenes started or ended abruptly, and an audience who doesn't know Warcraft doesn't care about these cities.

The scene in the beginning with Ironforge. The only purpose that scene served was to introduce Dwarves and guns. But the scene just created more questions than it answered. A) They seemed pretty chummy with these Dwarves, why didn't they help during the war? B) If this is the first time that the humans have seen guns, how did they get incorporated into their military so quickly? C) Who are these dwarves and why should I care about them considering I never see them again until the end of the movie?

So either they should have expanded on that scene to explain the politics of the dwarves and why they wouldn't be able to help, establish them a bit as a culture we give a shit about, and explain how these are the guns that are being made for the human army. OR they cut that scene completely, and the guns are just a part of the military which doesn't really need to be explained. They could throw out a line about how it's a recent dwarven invention if they really needed to.

6/23/2016 10:46:36 PM

All American
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There were not nearly enough slutty dressed night elves I am disappoint

6/24/2016 8:32:15 AM

All American
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I saw the movie last week. I played Warcraft 2, Warcaft 3, and WoW, so I could follow along well. That being said there was definitely WAY too much name dropping in this movie. A casual movie-goer would definitely pick up that these names carry weight to them, even if the names weren't important at the time. So many head-nods to the fans, but they were done in such a heavy handed way that the audience would notice them and understand that they were missing something. That's not the right way to do it.

Speaking of name dropping, pretty much the entire movie they refer to 'Lothar' by his last name, but then in one random scene (war room) he was all of a sudden only referred to as 'Anduin' (mostly by the King). Jesus that was done badly. I can see them doing that to show how the two characters were closer than other characters, but I could not remember him being referred to an Anduin at any other part of the movie. Names and places were not developed. They were presented.

6/24/2016 3:50:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"sorry no the Vikings comment wasn't in response to you just a similar situation to the all spark comment. One of he big criticisms right now is that Travis flimmels anduin lothar has very similar mannerisms to his character in Vikings. Critics said Ragnar didn't belong in Azeroth. But they only feel that way because they've seen Vikings first."

Actually this didn't bother me much when I watched the movie even though I thought it was funny that a dude with a Scandinavian accent would have an American son. But I was like "Eh he's probably swedish and isn't that good at accents"

But I was just looking up browsing Wikipedia today and ended up on the Vikings show somehow, then clicked on this dude, and he's AUSTRALIAN. Why does he use his Vikings accent in the Warcraft movie?

6/27/2016 9:55:10 PM

All American
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Anyone back for Legion? I quit last year before they implemented timewalking so having some fun with that. PVP is interesting now with normalized ilvl. I guess I missed out on millions of garrison gold tho i'm poor af and still trying to get a handle on the economy.

I'm still too nervous to try and tank LFR.

7/27/2016 3:40:38 PM

All American
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Played a bit legion prepatch

Fury warrior animations are really cool

Resto druid now op as fuck

7/28/2016 8:41:46 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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I'm still learning how to play a Warlock again after the patch changes. I'm not really excited about Legion. I haven't been back into the game for long and I still had a lot of the Warlords endgame to cover. The new UI changes are nice though.

7/28/2016 9:36:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Fury warrior animations are really cool"

mos def. fury has been my main since 09 and it seems to be more fun than ever before for legion.

hopefully legion won't be a bust because with the world quests it has the potential to deliver consistent amounts of content. also, demon hunters will be available starting august 9th.

7/29/2016 9:42:36 PM

All American
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in a raid setting - will fury take a back seat to demon hunters? I feel like if you want a want a demon hunter

7/30/2016 9:18:35 AM

All American
3494 Posts
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check this out...funny drama...I find this amusing

so I've got a bunch of toons on a guild that I've been a member of for 5 months now, and I let my boys (11 and 10) join the guild

today, while I'm at work, my 11 y/o is playing and he sees one of guild members "use the d-word," so this is what he does:

Son: Stop cussing.
Them: No.
Son: Yes, or I'll report you.
Them: You can't (he didn't know it was against guild rules)
Son: Watch me
<son reports>
Them: kicked
Son: (whispers) how can I regain your trust?
Them: trust doesn't matter
Son: do you forgive me?
Them: you broke the guild rules, no.
Son: Then I'll go look for another guild
Them: What other alts do you have on here?
Son: Feynallia (mine!), Firebeard (also mine!), Semiphaze (10 y/o)
Them: thanks

So I walk in the door right when this finishes, and he tells me 70% of what happened.

I try and contact the guild mod (with his toon)...IGNORED

I log on to my other toons...IGNORED

I log on to one toon that he didn't narc on, and I'm able to talk with all in the guild save the Mod (who's afk)

half way in the middle of talking with someone who is on a good standing with the Mod (in hopes I can get at least my toons back in), the Mod kicks me!

so I start whispering to to the dude, and ask him if he could pass on my apologies and understanding of the situation, and he declines and starts talking about how I'm going to have to learn to be accountable IRL for things my son does now that he's going to middle school and blah blah blah

Anyway, it was funny, and now I'm LFG.

8/20/2016 7:26:32 PM

All American
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So... they reported your son for cursing when they were doing the actual cursing?

9/2/2016 1:14:43 PM

All American
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Enjoying the leveling so far. I've never been a serious WoW endgamer but new content is suiting my casual grinding needs

9/2/2016 1:51:47 PM

All American
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I let my 8 year old screw around some but I pretty much told him dont talk to anyone just play the game. He asked why and I said well because mostly adults play and very few of them are nice and now that you can read if you start talking to people you cant play anymore haha

9/2/2016 2:39:08 PM

All American
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They booted him for reporting them for cursing. It was a violation of guild rules to report on a member.

9/3/2016 11:21:40 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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why would you expose your kid to this garbage? shame on you

9/4/2016 5:32:42 PM

now with sarcasm
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At this point I expect Blizzard to put out expansions that are better than the previous iterations, but I feel like they've delivered a little more than I anticipated. I don't understand the voodoo magic behind the zone scaling, but its great. I found myself actually reading quest text the other day and liking it. Wtf?

Legion checks a lot of boxes.

Also Suramar City is absolutely beautiful.

9/5/2016 8:03:02 PM

Black and Proud
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zone scaling??

9/5/2016 10:04:42 PM

All American
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It doesn't matter what zone you are in on the new continent the zone scales to your level so if you are level 101 they are all 101 to you while they may be 110 to someone else even if you are both fighting the same thing.

9/6/2016 8:55:36 AM

26632 Posts
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i've never played the game but the movie was the worst thing i've ever seen and i was only able to make it about 20 minutes

9/6/2016 1:16:40 PM

All American
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9/6/2016 4:29:26 PM

All American
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the devs that did suramar deserve a raise. the level of detail in that city is crazy.

9/6/2016 5:19:24 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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At the rate I'm leveling it will be 4 months before I see it.

9/7/2016 12:24:58 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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I actually got some play time in the past few evenings and hit 104. I'm still in my first zone (Stormheim). It seems like I'm going to play through at least the last of the starter zones at Max level.

9/21/2016 12:52:34 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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I'm back playing Warcraft after a very long absence. Global chat seems to have gone from something with the tone of the worst of Family Guy to the worst of 4chan. Maybe I'm just older and have less tolerance to kids being terrible to each other.

10/10/2016 4:30:41 PM

All American
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Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?

10/10/2016 7:50:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm back playing Warcraft after a very long absence. Global chat seems to have gone from something with the tone of the worst of Family Guy to the worst of 4chan. Maybe I'm just older and have less tolerance to kids being terrible to each other."

I have noticed this as well. Maybe I am just a grumpy old man now but the amount of just useless not funny racist chat I see constantly is crazy. All I could think of is oh this is what all the Trump supporters are doing these days.

10/11/2016 8:40:37 AM

All American
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If someone were to not have played for like 5/6 years or so, what would be the best suggestion about getting back into playing?

10/11/2016 10:04:43 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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Buy Legion, take the character boost, and roll.

The new class trial system is also a good way to relearn your character or a new one.

When I started playing again last year, I just bought some heirlooms and played through all the content I had missed (WotLK, Cata, MoP, and WoD). Buy the time I leveled to WoD content, I felt like I knew what I was doing.

10/11/2016 12:14:35 PM

All American
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Does anyone have the digital download code from going to see the movie that they don't want?

10/13/2016 11:51:51 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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I was wrong, it only took a month and a half to hit 110.

10/24/2016 12:56:49 PM

All American
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We back

[Edited on November 3, 2017 at 3:14 PM. Reason :]

11/3/2017 3:13:38 PM

All American
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I just saw I am definitely in at least for a little while to bring back the feels and angers haha

11/3/2017 3:45:22 PM

All American
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anyone gonna play battle for azeroth? seems like it'll be the same as legion (which was decently fun)

4/6/2018 1:14:25 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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[Edited on April 6, 2018 at 10:26 AM. Reason : /]

4/6/2018 10:26:35 AM

All American
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they killed botting , not playing any more

4/7/2018 10:48:31 AM

All American
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Anyone doing this new xpac?

8/10/2018 9:31:01 AM

All American
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Yep. Looks like it actually launches Monday at 6pm EST

8/10/2018 11:26:00 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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You know, I try to keep up with the Lore...

So everyone goes to Argus and stomps Kiljaden. So then everyone is at war again. Sylvanas and the Horde burn Teldrassil and the Alliance retaliates by laying siege to Lordaeron/Undercity. How did things get to here? And where the hell did Thrall go again?

8/13/2018 3:38:48 PM

All American
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Well, we stomped KJ first to get to Argus and then stopped (not stomped) Sargeras.

Battle for Azeroth global launch at 6:00PM EST. Hype Hype.

8/13/2018 5:57:08 PM

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