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All American
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Quote :
"But he loves the poorly educated. Just ask him.]"

And so do the liberals who get all of those votes from them.

7/26/2016 1:10:04 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"I had forgotten how much I hate Democrats, too."

Weird, I haven't felt like I've hated anyone at either convention.

7/27/2016 8:55:19 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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I've been doing more research into the Green Party and I don't like many aspects of their platform. I don't think I'll be voting Stein, either. I'm really left with nothing except write-in for Bernie.

7/27/2016 10:33:15 AM

The E Man
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I don't see how anyone can not like either stein or johnson

7/27/2016 10:43:52 AM

The E Man
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A Green New Deal:
Create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.

Jobs as a Right:
Create living-wage jobs for every American who needs work, replacing unemployment offices with employment offices. Advance workers rights to form unions, achieve workplace democracy, and keep a fair share of the wealth they create.

End Poverty:
Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti-poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity.

Health Care as a Right:
Establish an improved “Medicare For All” single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings.

Education as a Right:
Abolish student debt to free a generation of Americans from debt servitude. Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End high stakes testing and public school privatization.

A Just Economy:
Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage. Break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and democratize the Federal Reserve. Reject gentrification as a model of economic development. Support development of worker and community cooperatives and small businesses. Make Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Create democratically run public banks and utilities. Replace corporate trade agreements with fair trade agreements.

Protect Mother Earth:
Lead on a global treaty to halt climate change. End destructive energy extraction: fracking, tar sands, offshore drilling, oil trains, mountaintop removal, and uranium mines. Protect our public lands, water supplies, biological diversity, parks, and pollinators. Label GMOs, and put a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides until they are proven safe. Protect the rights of future generations.

Racial Justice Now:
End police brutality and mass incarceration. Create a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to understand and eliminate the legacy of slavery that lives on as pervasive racism in the economy, education, housing and health. Ensure that communities control their police rather than police controlling our communities, by establishing police review boards and full time investigators to look in to all cases of death in police custody. Demilitarize the police.

Freedom and Equality:
Expand women’s rights, protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination, defend indigenous rights and lands, and create a welcoming path to citizenship for immigrants. Protect the free Internet, legalize marijuana/hemp, and treat substance abuse as a public health problem, not a criminal problem.

Justice for All:
Restore our Constitutional rights, terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, end persecution of government and media whistleblowers, close Guantanamo, abolish secret kill lists, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial.

Peace and Human Rights:
Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights. End the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least 50% and close the 700+ foreign military bases that are turning our republic into a bankrupt empire. Stop U.S. support and arms sales to human rights abusers, and lead on global nuclear disarmament.

Empower the People:
Abolish corporate personhood. Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote. Enact electoral reforms that break the big money stranglehold and create truly representative democracy: public campaign financing, ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, and open debates.

Maybe you like those things but don't think the government can provide them. Then you vote libertarian. If you don't like those things then

7/27/2016 10:45:40 AM

26632 Posts
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the bullet points aren't that crazy (well some still are, GMO's for example), but when you read more about them the get crazier

for example, supporting women's rights is great, but saying:
Quote :
"We support the inclusion of an equal number of women and men in peace talks and negotiations, not only because these efforts directly affect their lives and those of their husbands, children and families, but also because when women are involved, the negotiations are more successful."

is just an extension of the "women are wonderful" fallacy

supporting LGBT rights is awesome, but:
Quote :
"The Green Party will end all Federal military and civilian aid to national governments whose laws result in the imprisonment or otherwise bring harm to citizens and residents based on sexual orientation, or gender identity, characteristics, and expression."

is a dangerous policy that would hurt a lot more people than it helps

youth rights? sure. but is tumblr a right?:
Quote :
"Young people should be provided the opportunity to express themselves in their own media, including television, radio, films and the Internet. Young people should also be given skills in analyzing commercial media."

what does this mean?


(i still think the green party platform is mostly good, even though some parts get crazy, my objection to the green party is that they aren't even organized enough to make it onto the ballot in all states)

7/27/2016 11:31:47 AM

8379 Posts
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Johnson said today he'll sign the TPP

So I'm defaulting to Stein I guess.

7/27/2016 12:50:55 PM

All American
10673 Posts
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^dont know where you live but stein only on ballot in 23 states or something not including NC

i disagree with johnson on many issues but still best choice compared to trump and hillary

[Edited on July 27, 2016 at 12:56 PM. Reason : a]

7/27/2016 12:56:18 PM

8379 Posts
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they'll be on more by november

obv theyre not going to win but maybe they can hit the 5% funding mark

[Edited on July 27, 2016 at 1:00 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2016 1:00:20 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
is just an extension of the "women are wonderful" fallacy"

No. Its based on actual research. Study after study and most modern countries support this basic idea. Its time to move on from the patriarchal society you are desperately trying to cling to and its not "crazy" to think of women as contributors.

Quote :
"A growing body of evidence shows that women offer unique contributions to making and keeping peace – and that those contributions lead to better outcomes not just for women but for entire societies.

Women raise issues in peace negotiations that help societies reconcile, rebuild and achieve a just and lasting peace."

Thats the thing about the green party. The more you know, the more likely you will be to agree with the green party. This is why democrats will never proliferate education.

Quote :
"is a dangerous policy that would hurt a lot more people than it helps"

i guess if you use a straight privileged definition of "hurt"

Quote :
". Young people should also be given skills in analyzing commercial media.""

Teaching people how to analyze sources for bias and essentially not just get all of their information about the world from CNN. Another one democrats can't let happen.

Quote :
"(well some still are, GMO's for example),"

I guess you just don't understand how botany and ecology works. If you genetically modify plants to resist pests, these genes could be passed on to other similar plant organisms and impact the food chain. Pollen grains can travel around the world and there can be unintended consequences to introducing artificial genes. We understand invasive species but invasive GMO species are the next big thing. A plant at the base of the foodchain with a set of genes that make it grow like crazy and prevent it from being eaten could wreak havoc. At the very least, the consumer should know if the food they are buying is potentially contributing to this type of thing.

Notice how the common theme of all of these is being pro information and the pushback from democrats is to limit the amount of information people have access to.

[Edited on July 27, 2016 at 6:19 PM. Reason : k]

7/27/2016 6:19:25 PM

26632 Posts
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Who coded you?

7/27/2016 9:48:01 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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there it is. facts, evidence, science, links, etc send you guys into name calling mode. Its the white flag of TWW

7/27/2016 9:51:38 PM

50084 Posts
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Kaine is... boring. Jesus.

7/27/2016 10:16:18 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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I filled out the CNN interactive map based on who I think will win each state and got a 269-269 electoral tie. Wouldn't that just be the perfect turn of events in this ridiculous election cycle.

7/28/2016 11:40:40 AM

50084 Posts
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One data point but that Suffolk poll from PA would be nearly game over for Trump if that becomes a trend. Very few paths without PA..

7/28/2016 1:15:18 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Shhhhhh, it's no fun if they have no hope

7/28/2016 1:19:18 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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This race is way too fucked up to begin discussing paths IMO. What is there like 3 months of this craziness left?

7/28/2016 1:33:03 PM

8379 Posts
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this is the truth, but the complacency of hillary supporters will prob cost them the election

lots of things to keep in mind, esp. the fact that she is still outspending trump by more than 10-1 in ads.

7/28/2016 1:40:07 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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best segment intro ever

7/28/2016 2:50:36 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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This is gonna be ugly y'all, Missouri hasn't truly been in play since 2000.

7/29/2016 11:47:14 AM

50084 Posts
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It's still not. One poll. It's in as much play as Michigan is for Trump.

7/29/2016 12:00:54 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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I'm not aware of any statewide polling showing Trump with a lead in Michigan, or any rust belt state that Romney lost.

7/29/2016 12:08:55 PM

26632 Posts
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i predict that this election will make nixon-mcgovern or johnson-goldwater look like nail-biters

7/29/2016 12:15:48 PM

?? ????? ??
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7/29/2016 2:38:14 PM

8379 Posts
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whoever programmed that animation should lose their job prob

7/29/2016 2:41:01 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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there are people who don't actually care about politics. They don't even know what politics is really but they do come out in droves to vote for the presidential candidate with a D next to their name and then if they see their shadow, they go back into their hole and we get 4 more years of winter.

Those people aren't even accounted for in polling because they aren't prospective voters yet.

7/29/2016 4:40:17 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^^ how ya figure?

7/29/2016 5:20:01 PM

8379 Posts
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hillary's programming i mean. not the gif

7/29/2016 5:36:09 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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Everything about her is fake.

Her marriage

Her care for the US

That reaction

7/29/2016 9:42:26 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Have you settled on an anti-Hillary schtick yet? Something to replace the 'Obama narcissistic personality disorder' you used to spam-post?

7/30/2016 11:17:44 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
"In all polls so far, Clinton's improved relative to the pre-convention version of the polls. IOW, she's gotten a larger bump than Trump..."

Nate silver says

8/1/2016 7:44:25 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Good article:

8/1/2016 8:38:41 AM

All American
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VFW put out a statement against trump for the Khan comments, as did McCain.

8/1/2016 1:09:46 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Wow, Trump's being flogged in the polls now, 89% chance of clinton winning if the election were held today.

Here's 2008 for comparison:

[Edited on August 4, 2016 at 12:03 AM. Reason : ]

8/3/2016 11:41:39 PM

50084 Posts
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Still early days but god damn the polls right now are a dumpster fire for Trump.

-11 in PA, -10 in MI (!), -17 in NH, tied in fucking GA.

8/4/2016 7:55:48 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Yep after the conventions I actually thought Trump may have picked up enough momentum to have a chance. All he had to do was tone down his crazy and start attempting to act like a presidential candidate or at least a normal person. Instead, its hard not to think that he is intentionally trying to tank this whole thing, but then you remember this is Trump and maybe he is just that dumb. I guess we get 4 years of Hillary and hope this causes the GOP to implode and come up with a real candidate next time. If they had thrown anyone but Trump or Cruz out this wouldn't even be close I would imagine but somehow they came in 1-2 and gifted Hillary a win.

8/4/2016 8:34:48 AM

All American
749 Posts
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This dumpster fire reminds me of the 80s move Brewster's Millions.

It's like he's trying to get fired or replaced so he can be emperor of Earth.

8/4/2016 9:21:45 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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What a collapse. A spectacular collapse, absolutely fantastic collapse. The most luxurious collapse I have ever seen. SAD!

8/4/2016 9:52:05 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Not sure the context but newt might be done with trump:
Quote of Day:
“He can’t learn what he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know he doesn’t know it.”- @newtgingrich on @realDonaldTrump.

8/4/2016 9:57:13 AM

All American
12511 Posts
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The scary thing is, if Trump wanted to win he could. In any other normal race with a normal opponent, Hillary would have to fight tooth and nail to win. But there just wasn't anyone worth a damn running in this race. She had a freaking federal investigation. Its so easy to go after her but for whatever reason Trump wont go after her like he should.

The presidency is an amazing job. So much weight, so much at stake. Trump is smart. He knows he doesn't want it, probably knows his personality doesn't work, and probably doesn't think it would be good for business. From what I've heard, Trumps business doesn't involve an army of people at the top. Its primarily the family with some support staff choosing which projects to take on. The scale of the presidency to work with people at all levels of congress, military, security, foreign governments etc just doesn't jive with Trumps skill set.

He doesn't want it for good reason.

8/4/2016 10:31:03 AM

All American
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^ yeah, trump is the most unpopular person to ever be a choice for president... Hillary is the 2nd most.

This election doesn't really make any sense. We're not, and shouldn't be, a direct democracy, but this shows how disconnected the process is from democracy.

An article by 538 was just released today that sheds some light on the situation...
Quote :
In the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon election, 52 percent of the nation’s voters lived in states decided by 5 percentage points or less. In the 2012 Obama-Romney race, just 17 percent of all voters lived in such states.

Seems like the "southern strategy" created a regional division in politics that promotes extremism, when each individual acts rationally-- a systemic extremism. I think the GOP is the only group that can fix this honestly. They base so much of their platform on racism, it drives away minorities, when whites and non-whites have equal regards for small/big government. There's no reason they shouldn't appeal to a similar mix of demographics as democrats, if they could purge the racism from their party (and TGD is a good example of how this would work).

And if the GOP started to appeal to minorities, this should un-do the geographical divisions of the southern strategy, creating more closer elections, and individually incentivizing politicians to work together more to try and solve problems.

8/4/2016 10:43:33 AM

All American
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^^There's a much easier explanation, Trump is a vindictive narcissist who wanted to get back at Obama for making fun of him over the whole birther issue. Look, can we put to bed this idea that Trump is "smart" or even a good businessman. He's not. He's not even a billionaire. He has, at most, hundreds of millions of liquid assets against a billion in debt that we know about.

The bulk of his claimed "wealth" is based on the entirely speculative value of the Trump name and the various properties he's attached it to. The problem is, that value has dropped every time he's opened his mouth over the last year and a half. He probably figured if he wins the Presidency, he can transfer his personal stake in those businesses to his kids and then start awarding them federal contracts. Which is of course highly illegal but again, he's too fucking stupid to realize that.

As I said in the Hillary thread, the fact that he won the GOP primary has nothing to do with him. It's an indictment on the entire party and their strategy of race baiting, fear mongering, and obstructionism over the last 8-12 years.

[Edited on August 4, 2016 at 11:02 AM. Reason : .]

8/4/2016 10:59:25 AM

All American
10673 Posts
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Quote :
"The big picture, however, is that the tyranny of primaries has turned Congress into a legislative graveyard. The last two full Congresses, the 112th and 113th, were the two least productive in history."

i propose this is a good thing. almost every time they pass a bill they make the problem worse than it was before

[Edited on August 4, 2016 at 11:01 AM. Reason : d]

8/4/2016 11:01:24 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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^ but that wouldn't happened if it wasn't systemically broken.

Quote :
"Last week, federal officials confirmed the first local transmission of the Zika virus in Florida, yet Congress is still struggling to pass emergency funding because of partisan squabbling over abortion and environmental regulations."

8/4/2016 11:04:28 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"i propose this is a good thing. almost every time they pass a bill they make the problem worse than it was before"

thx Mr. Libertarian who thinks the government does no good.

8/4/2016 11:17:06 AM

All American
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Also, we can drop the "historically unfavorable candidates" narrative now. While it remains true for Trump who is still at -30 favorability, Hillary has risen to anywhere from -10 to -5 in post-DNC polling. She keeps rising as Trump nosedives.

8/4/2016 11:33:53 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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It's almost as if those two numbers work against each other.... like as one becomes more unfavorable the other becomes more favorable because they arent as big an asshat..

8/4/2016 11:38:37 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"As I said in the Hillary thread, the fact that he won the GOP primary has nothing to do with him. It's an indictment on the entire party and their strategy of race baiting"

LOL, because the GOP is the one telling all minorities they are victims, parading around illegal immigrant babies, midgets, and mothers of thugs to tell people they are victims that need big government. Right. Race-baiting. What fantasy world do you live in?

8/4/2016 12:30:25 PM

All American
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The one where Donald Trump became the nominee of a major politlcal party

8/4/2016 12:34:14 PM

All American
749 Posts
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Donald Trump is like popping a zit for the GOP. You don't want a zit, but you've kept messing with it and now it's festered and infected.

Now you need to pop it and let all the shit and puss out. The shit and puss are the dumb rednecks and old white people who need to go away.

Hopefully the pore will heal and be back to normal.

We need to clean out the GOP and Trump is doing it for us.

As a registered Republican who hasn't voted R since 2004, I hope the new GOP is more like the Libertarian party. Less gov't, and stay the fuck out of social issues. Jesus didn't write the constitution.

8/4/2016 12:51:50 PM

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