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All American
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^^^This is all Disney/Marvel Studio's fault. They came up with a very successful formula, but they were patient with it. Very patient. iPhones weren't really a thing yet when the first Iron Man was released, yet I think Disney/Marvel already had the master plan sketched out. We're 8 years into that plan, and Marvel is doing well. DC comes into the game what, 6-7 years later and expects the same ROI? Nope, sorry. And rushing directors isn't going to help them.

Even with Marvel, I think we're seeing fatigue with comic book movies. Yes, you're going to have a dedicated base who is going to see anything Marvel that they release for the next 10 years, but after 3 IM movies, 3 Thor movies, 2 Avengers movies, 3 Captain America movies (one of which is essentially another Avengers movie), Ant-Man and 2 Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and now an 80th (although potentially good) Spider-Man movie...there's only so much the general public can take. Not to mention all of the countless X-Men and X-Men origins movies that are out there, along with bad Fantastic 4 movies. Add the fact that basically none of the characters have bitten the dust (Yea yea everybody dies in Infinity Wars, but we're not there yet, are we?).

Warner Brothers/DC is just coming in too late in the game.

Having said that, this looks like a fun movie even if it is as disjointed as the reviewers say.

[Edited on August 5, 2016 at 9:38 AM. Reason : ^]

8/5/2016 9:38:33 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"I would watch this only for Margot Robbie

8/5/2016 12:02:16 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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I don't buy superhero fatigue is going to happen soon. Superhero movies are just action movies, there will always be a market for them if they are good.

People compare them to westerns which I have mostly died out, but for one thing westerns lasted decades and there were dozens coming out every year. I think the super hero genre can survive 5-10 a year in that case. Secondly westerns are period pieces set in a period that people just grew tired of. Superhero movies are for the most part contemporary but can also be put in any setting you would want.

8/5/2016 1:36:57 PM

5815 Posts
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Quote :
"Secondly westerns are period pieces set in a period that people just grew tired of."

This is exactly right. This is also one of the reasons people didnt like the first captain movie.

8/5/2016 9:31:42 PM

All American
2587 Posts
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superheroes are our greek/roman gods we ain't gonna get tired any time soon.

8/5/2016 9:36:27 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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I don't .... I thought it was really entertaining.


I thought the brother/Diablo fight was extremely bad ass... I was a Diablo fan by the end of the movie

8/5/2016 11:55:46 PM

All American
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Dynasty2004 said:
Quote :
"This is exactly right. This is also one of the reasons people didnt like the first captain movie."

What kind of waterhead doesn't like Captain America: The First Avenger?

8/6/2016 9:35:36 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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I didn't realize they were supposed to rescue Waller until Flag went in there. Thought from the get-go they were meant to go defeat the Enchantress.

The movie was really about 4 people - Waller, Flag, Deadshot, and Harley. All the other villains were mostly background except Enchantress and Diablo.

[Edited on August 6, 2016 at 9:55 PM. Reason : /]

8/6/2016 9:35:15 PM

All American
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This movie was better than the reviews made me fear, but not nearly as good as the trailers made me hope.



If this was the same Batman as the one from BvS, when he reached the bottom of the lake he would have cut Harley's throat to make sure she was dead.


[Edited on August 6, 2016 at 10:57 PM. Reason : ]

8/6/2016 10:57:35 PM

All American
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^ did you watch the end of the BvS film?

He spared Lex any harm or branding. The beginning of the film starts with him at his most criminal level plotting to assassinate SuperMan, and the end of the film he regained his humanity by realizing that he had basically become a part of the criminal world that murdered his parents for a pearl necklace. It's some deep stuff. I understand if you didn't get it, bro, it's OK.

8/7/2016 6:48:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"38% on RT. Marvel bias or DC just can't pull it together?"

I have not seen Suicide Squad yet, but after the total shit show that was the critical response to BvS, I wouldn't be surprised at all if there is some Marvel Golden Boy treatment going around. Comparing the critical responses and nitpicking between the two franchises is just absurd. You could literally put together a psychological study on fan-boyism by analyzing and comparing how the same exact film critiques are weighted and used differently between the two.

For example, critics don't like that a villain conveniently shows up out of nowhere in the middle of a DC movie, but it is totally cool when Cap goes down to a computer basement and has a dead character literally do nothing but dump exposition at him and try to kill him for #Reasons. But yeah, Cap2 is OMG the BEST SUPERHERO FILM EVA!!!

Critics don't like that a scene cuts from metropolis to somewhere in the desert? Fuck..this movie is the worst thing since MK2! However, take Thor from a farm house with kids and go to some completely unexplained, out-of-nowhere magical pond and that's OK...because, you know, they have to cheat sometimes to set shit up (it's hard guys give the director a break, alright).

[Edited on August 7, 2016 at 7:17 AM. Reason : a]

8/7/2016 7:04:53 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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^^ So did he make that realization before or after he killed all those guys at the docks while saving Martha? Because I think your interpretation might be a little contrived.

8/7/2016 7:41:31 AM

All American
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That's PG-13 action, not murder. He subdued a violent force and moved on.. in a very badass scene. He was trying to murder superman, then ended up sparing Lex.

8/7/2016 8:34:51 AM

All American
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not Oscar material but enjoyable and certainly deserving of >38%.

side bar but I'd even go as far to say that leto's joker makes more sense than ledgers. I always saw the joker as someone with the ability to seduce the worst out of people and not just harley. this joker is still crazy but cool as shit.

8/7/2016 2:03:11 PM

All American
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it's in the low 20's now, but fan enjoyment is pushing 80.

8/7/2016 4:33:30 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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Can't really say much about this Joker, he was barely in the movie. Overall it wasn't terrible, but not great. I enjoyed about the first 2/3s, thought it went downhill starting from the scene where they go to the bar til the end of the movie.

8/7/2016 8:40:45 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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People waste so much time discussing these movies. In fives years no one will remember or care. I understand it's good for teenage boys but talking about it with other 30 year olds when there are so many other interesting movies to watch is sad.

8/8/2016 12:01:18 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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Then by your logic, people she only talk about what interests you.

The fact is that discussing movies and screenings has become one of the biggest trends on YouTube right now, and this has made a bunch of film nerds working in a gas station fairly wealthy people. So, people care.

[Edited on August 8, 2016 at 1:58 PM. Reason : a]

8/8/2016 1:57:12 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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^^Yep, no one remembers or cares about any of the old super hero movies from over 5 years ago. Like Iron Man? Was that even a movie? Bet that only gets played on TV only 1-5 times a week!

8/8/2016 3:18:40 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Is the lady that put together the suicide squad the same lady that sparks Iron Man to action in Civil War? The lady from the state department that he meets in the hallway at the beginning of the movie?

8/14/2016 10:51:35 PM

All American
1973 Posts
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No not all black women look alike. Viola Davis is an excellent actress.

I though the movie was alright. Just meh. Overhyped. It suffers from same thing as Batman vs Superman. The movie gets messy as it goes further along. Bad editing I wish there was more trying to back stab each other. This group will never fully work with each other. The bad guys were too big for the group they set up. That was Justice League shit. I enjoy the Joker scenes. All 5 minutes of it. Leto must be pissed. All that method acting for nothing.

8/14/2016 11:46:52 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Cute. That's really cute.

wtf dude. You can't deny they sounded similar, and in the MCU, she said she worked at the state department, almost like she was being purposefully vague.

Would've been an interesting crossover. Besides, it has been months since seeing Captain America.

8/15/2016 12:36:20 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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the only crossovers that I know are the asian side-villain in Winter Soldier who played the main banker villain in TDK, and the big Russian from BvS was a side thug for Hydra in Winter Soldier.

[Edited on August 15, 2016 at 6:39 AM. Reason : a]

8/15/2016 6:38:55 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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i refuse to see this movie because they didn't cast CCH Pounder as Amanda Waller

8/15/2016 12:31:42 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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I still haven't seen this, but the fact that the Joker has less than 10 minutes of screen time just screams last minute studio editing. All of the earlier trailers billed him as one of the main characters.

[Edited on August 19, 2016 at 6:01 PM. Reason : a]

8/19/2016 6:00:45 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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This could have been a good movie if everything had been from Flag's perspective. A soldier caught in an ethical quandary when the woman he loves is possessed, the military controls him, and he's put in charge of a group of misfits he doesn't trust. Then there could be some character development and when he destroys his detonator in the bar it would have had a lot more meaning.

Instead, it was about Deadshot trying to keep Flag alive so that he could stay alive. And because of that, we didn't really care that they won at the end or that Flag got his love interest back.

8/19/2016 7:19:01 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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^yup. The movie seemed very confused in telling us who we should be focused on or caring about. It was just not put together overly well. Entertaining, but just kinda...meh

8/19/2016 10:13:50 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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Quote :
"I still haven't seen this, but the fact that the Joker has less than 10 minutes of screen time just screams last minute studio editing. All of the earlier trailers billed him as one of the main characters"

All the articles that have come out explicitly detailing how the studio went in and edited it also scream last minute studio editing.

8/20/2016 7:48:09 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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The dumbest shit I ever seen.

8/20/2016 8:54:06 AM

All American
27208 Posts
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Finally got around to seeing it earlier today. Definitely felt rushed. What was up with that Native American guy, I think his name was Slipknot? They said he could "Climb anything"? Dude was in it for 5 mins before getting killed.

I feel like Captain Boomerang was completely worthless. The only memorable thing he did was send out a drone boomerang to spy on the enchantress.

What was up with the Enchantress resurrecting her brother? She just kind of teleported to Waller's house and freed him from the vial. Why didn't she do that before?

Biggest question I had though --- while all this potentially world ending stuff was happening, where was Batman and the Flash? I get that Wonder Woman may be back on her island with her people or whatever, but it showed the Flash briefly earlier, so he's out there fighting crime already.,We already know that Batman has what it takes to take on meta humans. Surely one if not both of them would have seen all this shit going down on the news and come in to save the world.

[Edited on August 21, 2016 at 2:38 AM. Reason : n]

8/21/2016 2:35:42 AM

5815 Posts
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They don't leave their respective cities.

8/21/2016 9:07:41 AM

All American
27208 Posts
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Even when it comes to saving the whole planet? So if the Suicide Squad hadn't been thrown together for this, both of them would have been like "Planet Earth can burn. Not my jurisdiction."

8/21/2016 3:53:51 PM

All American
1973 Posts
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^ that's what I'm saying. The threat was too big for the group(except for Diablo). And on top of that it was an accident. Enchantress escaped and they were saving Waller

[Edited on August 21, 2016 at 11:22 PM. Reason : S]

8/21/2016 11:21:25 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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Quote :
"What was up with the Enchantress resurrecting her brother? She just kind of teleported to Waller's house and freed him from the vial. Why didn't she do that before?"

At the military meeting, Waller's binder was open and Enchantress after stealing the Iranian book while Waller was talking quietly observed a picture in the binder showing where his vial was.

Quote :
"What was up with that Native American guy, I think his name was Slipknot? They said he could "Climb anything"? Dude was in it for 5 mins before getting killed."

There's an animated Suicide Squad feature film from a couple years ago. In it one guy (KGBeast) is immediately killed, not believing Waller actually put explosive charges in their heads. C-list and D-list comic book villains dying is pretty common in Suicide Squad stories.

[Edited on August 25, 2016 at 2:38 PM. Reason : /]

8/25/2016 2:35:35 PM

All American
27208 Posts
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^Thanks for clearing that up. I just figured Slipknot would have more of a backstory or something before killing him off but they sped through that part. I still think Captain Boomerang was useless though.

8/25/2016 4:31:09 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Good lord that movie was horrible. Enchantress was fucking retarded, Boomerang was pointless, Flagg sucked, etc.

Margot Robbie was the only redeeming quality in that entire flick.

8/29/2016 1:49:15 PM

All American
12511 Posts
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Yea, not very good.

Joker is a weird thing to do well after Ledger. Its so hard to be a character that functions in a world without being pure evil/chaos

8/29/2016 3:10:59 PM

All American
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I wasn't a big fan of the Joker either. Joker should be one of those character where you can never say, "that was a little much"...but I think they went there with Leto. It was probably just the dialogue and ridiculous scenes/sequences, but I thought it was way over the top. I think Leto could still pull of a great Joker...just not the way they portrayed it.

8/29/2016 3:44:31 PM

439 Posts
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I thought Leto did a great job portraying Joker the way they wanted him. And I think they could still make his character work in a future film. One thing I thought was funny was, in an IGN article last week, the director flat out said Joker has a grill because Batman knocked his teeth out after he killed Robin. Then, in the movie Harley's bio sheet listed her as an accomplice in Robins murder. But, then in the first scene we see the two of them in prison pre-Harley, he smiles, and has that grill in. Sooooo.... yeah.

8/29/2016 4:40:28 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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I wonder how many girls will be Harley Quinn for Halloween this year (which is fine)

8/29/2016 4:49:35 PM

All American
12511 Posts
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there are parts of his performance that work. But some of his acting choices are off. Mannerisms etc. I cant really point it out without going scene by scene but some of it just doesn't jive with the other parts.

8/29/2016 4:49:56 PM

All American
27208 Posts
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Quote :
"(which is fine)"

lol except for the ones who think they can pull it off when they really can't.

8/29/2016 5:41:37 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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^^The best description I heard was that the director and actor really didn't understand the Joker as a character. He's a crazy psychotic gangster, what else is there to know? (Sarcasm). For instance, all the pointless crap that Leto did to his co-stars in order to get into character were just random acts with no purpose other than to act crazy and torment people; that's not the Joker.

[Edited on August 30, 2016 at 1:33 PM. Reason : ]

8/30/2016 1:32:38 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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The greatest Australian movie critic, MrSundayMovies, did a pretty fantastic analysis of this topic.

[Edited on August 30, 2016 at 2:59 PM. Reason : lol]

8/30/2016 2:50:32 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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I finally saw this movie and wow........ this is seriously one of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen. Jared Leto was as bad as I expected.

1/25/2017 11:41:21 AM

5815 Posts
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You mean Oscar Nominated Suicide Squad

1/25/2017 11:53:48 AM

All American
21263 Posts
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I mean Shit Squad

1/25/2017 2:01:38 PM

All American
12790 Posts
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I finally saw this movie and wow........ this is seriously one of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen. Jared Leto was as bad as I expected.

1/25/2017 9:21:44 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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Quote :
"You mean Oscar Nominated Suicide Squad"


1/26/2017 9:41:41 AM

All American
27208 Posts
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Quote :
"this is seriously one of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen."

It was bad but nowhere near as bad as the standalone Elektra movie.

1/26/2017 1:26:20 PM

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