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Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Eh, I'm willing to overlook the kid fixing up the truck. Jurassic Park has obvious flaws like that too, but it was still a great movie.

6/17/2015 11:00:51 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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So what's happening over on Site B (the island from JP2 an JP3)

6/17/2015 11:28:49 AM

All American
1183 Posts
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How did the red head keep her high heel shoes the whole time? She had a realistic sweaty glow later in the film.

6/17/2015 4:30:45 PM

All American
10406 Posts
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^^This movie is a direct sequel to the original movie, so that island does not exist (the island does, but the dinosaurs don't) in this iteration of the movies.

I thought it was an awesome movie. I'm a diehard Jurassic Park fan. That movie brings back so many memories from my childhood. Sure, it will never hold a place in my heart like the original does, but it is the sequel that I wanted. This makes up for the 2nd and 3rd movies.

I LOVED all the throwbacks and easter eggs that they put in for the diehard fans. You really had to have a keen eye for some of them.


I was hoping the entire movie they would let the T-Rex get some action on that new dinosaur. When she said, "Open Paddock 9" I got all goose bumpy. Yeah, I wish the T-Rex would have killed the new dinosaur on its own, but it was awesome to see the dinosaurs work together at the end against the hybrid...

I also liked how they explained why the dinosaurs look different than what we now know about dinosaurs. When Dr. Wu was explaining, he mentioned, "The dinosaurs look how you want them to look, not how they really would since we had to use DNA from other animals"....

And the product placement didn't bother me. Almost every amusement park is that way these days. A sponsor's name is above every part of the park. Same with stadiums, arenas, etc....

Great movie!

6/19/2015 6:05:56 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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^ was it ever said that they were retconning JP2&3?

6/19/2015 6:09:07 PM

All American
10406 Posts
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retconning? i saw interviews and on imdb it says it is a direct sequel to the original

6/19/2015 6:26:40 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Well, if you think that isla sorna doesn't have dinosaurs on it, that means you believe that JW retconned the JP universe.

6/19/2015 9:33:54 PM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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Just saw it. Good CGI, awful writing. The fat guy fron InGen, the Indian guy who owned the park, and the asian geneticist could not have been more flat and one dimentional. Even the damn evil dinosaur was just a mindless killing machine that convieniently showed up at the right place at the right time all movie long. At least the first one had suspense, this shit was a funeral dirge.

And really? Thats the best ending you an come up with?? "Hurrr we should stick together! You know... For survival! Hurrr... "

The only saving grace of this one was at least the black guy lived this time. Thanks Obama.

[Edited on June 19, 2015 at 9:56 PM. Reason : Hurr]

6/19/2015 9:55:46 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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Quote :
"And really? Thats the best ending you an come up with?? "Hurrr we should stick together! You know... For survival! Hurrr... "

clearly you don't have a vagina .... I've only heard girls get weak in the knees over that line ....

chill the balls out

6/20/2015 11:56:30 AM

All American
12428 Posts
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Just got done watching it. I enjoyed it for the most part. Worth the matinee price. Thought the acting overall wasn't very good. The kids were terrible. Chris Pratt...his acting just didn't come off as very good to me...and I love Chris pratt.

For what the movie was, and was prolly meant to be though, I enjoyed it.

6/20/2015 8:23:34 PM

All American
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We went and saw it at imax yesterday and I thought it was great, for what it was. I didn't expect to be blown away by acting or story, it was all about the dinosaurs and action, which delivered.

There was a couple behind us on the way out of the theater talking about how the ending fight scene was a "little unrealistic". If you get hung up on stuff like that, then this movie isn't for you. I had a lot of fun and was entertained

6/22/2015 8:17:07 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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6/22/2015 8:18:11 AM

All American
27208 Posts
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Hahaha the whole auditorium laughed when it showed that raptor running up in slow motion to save them.

Also, the fight scene itself was fine, I just thought it was a little cheesy how after the giant whale dinosaur thing ate the big one, the TRex and the raptor had a little moment where they shared mutual respect for each other before parting ways. They might as well have shaken their tiny little dinosaur hands. That TRex has already shown itself to be one pissed off motherfucker, I'm no Dr. Alan Grant or anything but I'd think it would have tried to eat the raptor right away.

Sidenote: That is supposed to be the same TRex from the first JP. I was looking at some easter eggs and they pointed out how the scarring on its side match up really well with where it was attacked by the raptors. Apparently the life span of a TRex is 20-30 years if it isn't killed by another dinosaur.

6/22/2015 9:29:03 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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I was kind of disappointed at every level -- from little stuff like "that lady running around the jungle in a pristine white suit and heels looks ridiculous" to the central premise of inventing a new dinosaur to draw crowds. The second it stops being about dinosaurs vs. people in various permutations, I quit caring.

None of the characters really did anything for me. The dialogue was alright overall, but when it got bad it got unacceptably bad (Dr. Wu: "You act like we're doing some kind of...mad science here.") The bad guy was too stupid for me to really hate, half of the protagonists were outright unlikeable (the older kid and the aforementioned lady running around the jungle), and the control room guy and girl mostly just irritated where I assume they were intended to be endearing comic relief.

And really there just weren't enough dinosaurs. Basically we get stuck with the freakshow ad nauseum, plus the raptors turn bad for about ten minutes and there's a quick scene with the fliers. Looking at the list of dinosaurs on the website I was pumped to see some of the others who never appeared.

What the hell did that secretary lady do to deserve getting the most elaborate and gruesome death in the whole thing?

Gah...OK, that's a lot of bile. It's not that I hated it, but Jurassic Park was a cornerstone of my youth. I watched this moving wanting and expecting to love it. And instead I got something about which I can, at most, feel a slightly positive "meh"

6/22/2015 9:50:41 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I wonder what the sequels will be like

6/22/2015 9:52:25 AM

All American
8660 Posts
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Quote :
"I thought it was great, for what it was. I didn't expect to be blown away by acting or story, it was all about the dinosaurs and action, which delivered."

6/23/2015 8:40:49 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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So it's a good fit for summer popcorn blockbuster. Super hero dinosaur delivers.

6/23/2015 8:54:27 AM

All American
12428 Posts
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I did forget to mention the couple and their 5 kids that came in the theatre about 2 minutes before the trailers started rolling. The couple sat next to me and their kids sat about 3-4 rows higher. The couple spent the entire trailer time talking to the kids about their behavior and to enjoy the movie and if they wanted any snacks, etc. They finally sat down and got quiet when the movie started. About 30 minutes in, after the first dinosaur eats a human, one of the kids shows up next to the couple. About 2 minutes later, I watch the man and a line of kids walk out and never return. These kids were prolly 6-7 years old. lol

6/23/2015 7:51:54 PM

13089 Posts
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lol pussification of america

6/23/2015 7:53:11 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
"Sidenote: That is supposed to be the same TRex from the first JP. I was looking at some easter eggs and they pointed out how the scarring on its side match up really well with where it was attacked by the raptors. Apparently the life span of a TRex is 20-30 years if it isn't killed by another dinosaur."

yeah! that was one of the first things i looked up when i got out of the theater. i had a suspicion when i saw the scarring, but i just wasn't sure. you have to think though... she was an angst filled adolescent back in 93 but she has now been as domesticated as a T-rex could be after living around humans for the past 20-odd years. Also, the way she moved (this was noted in some of the easter egg sources i read... i didn't notice it myself) was purposefully and subtly changed to show that she is now an older girl, so I would suspect that might play into her saying "fuck this" to the raptor and she was just ready to go eat an InGen designed geriatric-vitamin-enriched goat and take a dino-nap.

[Edited on June 24, 2015 at 11:36 PM. Reason : ]

6/24/2015 11:35:16 PM

Thots and Prayers
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just saw it this afternoon.

I enjoyed it for what it is. A fun summer action movie.

some of y'all are seriously some fuckin' wet blankets. The movie snobbery is just kind of pathetic. Nobody thinks you're cool.

6/26/2015 4:18:03 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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Despite the stupidity (raptors talking to I-Rex), I enjoyed the movie for what it was. But....

The one thing I can't get over is how the worst possible thing that could happen from Jurassic Park (T-rex on the loose) is now the solution to the problem posed in this movie and when that happens everyone is totally cool with it.

That sort of works when you team up with a human villain or serial killer or what have you. But a goddamn dinosaur? No. You can't reason with it. You certainly can't outrun the damn thing, which happens in this movie. She's just going to eat you.

In a way, it retcons the first movie because if you go back and watch it, you can't view Rexy as a huge threat anymore.

6/26/2015 6:30:51 PM

All American
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6/26/2015 10:19:05 PM

All American
1505 Posts
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The Following quotes from this thread Sum up my thoughts on this movie perfectly. But first, a bit of background:

I am a huge Jurassic Park fan, and I love dinosaurs. My favorite dinosaur is the stegosaurus. I was super excited for this movie.

Movie Pros & Cons

Quote :
"Good lots of CGI, awful writing. The fat guy fron InGen, the Indian guy who owned the park, and the Asian geneticist could not have been more flat and one dimensional. Even the damn evil dinosaur was just a mindless killing machine that conveniently showed up at the right place at the right time all movie long. At least the first one had suspense, this shit was a funeral dirge. And really? Thats the best ending you an come up with?? "Hurrr we should stick together! You know... For survival! Hurrr... " "

Quote :
"The dialogue was alright Blah overall, but when it got bad it got unacceptably bad (Dr. Wu: "You act like we're doing some kind of...mad science here.") The bad guy was too stupid for me to really hate, half of the protagonists were outright unlikeable (the older kid and the aforementioned lady running around the jungle), and the control room guy and girl mostly just irritated where I assume they were intended to be endearing comic relief."

Quote :
"Thought the acting overall wasn't very good. The kids were terrible. Chris Pratt...his acting just didn't come off as very good to me...and I love Chris pratt. "

Quote :
"Hahaha the whole auditorium laughed when it showed that raptor running up in slow motion to save them."

Quote :
" Also, the fight scene itself was fine, I just thought it was a little SUPER LAME AND cheesy how after the giant whale dinosaur thing ate the big one, the TRex and the raptor had a little moment where they shared mutual respect for each other before parting ways."

Quote :
"I LOVED all the throwbacks and easter eggs that they put in for the diehard fans. You really had to have a keen eye for some of them. "

6/27/2015 8:26:19 AM

All American
3299 Posts
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I don't get the complaints about the whale dino eating the new rex. How else would they have ended it where it would have be satisfactory?

6/27/2015 11:38:33 AM

13089 Posts
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You people are thinking too much. Its a movie about dinosaurs, you got dinosaurs. Stop crying, unless you want to cry about the pathetic forced romance.

6/27/2015 11:40:22 AM

All American
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The whale dinosaur eating the thing didnt bother me, it was the T-rex and Raptor bro-hugging afterward.

6/27/2015 3:14:04 PM

13089 Posts
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What about that whiny sissy of a kid.

6/27/2015 7:47:04 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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i didn't think pratt's acting itself was to blame, more the script. His lines were pretty much all just awful.

also i don't know when this became a thing but i just think ex-military tough guy sculptures of perfection and badassery being protagonists makes movies way less interesting. pratt's story is, what, "i'm cool and very good at things please don't militarize my raptors ok well fuck thanks." he should have been a nerd who just loved raptors as a kid, now works with them, and is thrown out of his element when the shit goes down.

Thankfully Claire was written kind of okay and made things stay a lil interesting. the brontosaurus scene was neat. though her "be a man and do something for once in your life" line was very strange, directed at a dude not established as a coward at all and who just elected to be the lone person staying behind in the control room.

the nanny's death was pretty horrifying and oddly out of place, as i've seen written elsewhere, though maybe that's a good thing.

i dug the t-rex vs indominus rex fight. it was really refreshing to not have everything blurry and illegible and a cut per second editing-wise, like in transformers.

[Edited on June 27, 2015 at 8:59 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on June 27, 2015 at 9:00 PM. Reason : .]

6/27/2015 8:49:47 PM

All American
13361 Posts
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The T-rex should have just come out and wrecked shit. The raptors should have run in fear and it should have been a short, brutal fight where rexxy bites through the things neck; if necessary indominus could have been pushed INTO the water.

The water dino jumping up onto the deck WHERE PEOPLE WERE WALKING AROUND the entire movie just to kill something was cringe worthy.

6/28/2015 9:55:28 AM


18617 Posts
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Probably should've gotten drunker before watching this.

6/28/2015 12:53:45 PM

The Stubby
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6/28/2015 2:32:29 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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Overall I really enjoyed this movie. I saw it last night in standard format. I wanted to see it in IMAX, but it seems all the IMAX viewings were also in 3D, and I hate seeing 3D movies. It seriously fucks with my eyes and is a nuisance the whole time. Anyways...

I found it really odd that for the first 30-40 min of the movie you can't help but hate several of the main characters. The older brother is a complete asshole to his younger brother, and their aunt a self important bitch. As others have mentioned Chris Pratt's character was great.

I didn't mind all the Mercedes product placement, as any opportunity to see the 6x6 Gelandewagen in action is awesome. Ditto Unimogs.

Owen being from the Navy makes sense to me. I assumed his specialty was training dolphins for military applications. Making the leap from that to velociraptors is then logical.

Quote :
"The water dino jumping up onto the deck WHERE PEOPLE WERE WALKING AROUND the entire movie just to kill something was cringe worthy."

That part made sense to me fine. Do you really think a 300 ft long whale dino cares about eating people? People are like ants to that creature. Now, a 50 ft tall wounded and bleeding dinosaur right on the edge of the lake (huge railing/fenced area also damaged)? Seems like just what an aquatic predator would go for.

7/1/2015 8:53:55 AM

All American
10406 Posts
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Yeah, the area around the aquatic creature's habitat had been damaged. That is why it was able to land-dock itself and eat the dinosaur. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have been able to do that because of safeguards.

7/1/2015 11:19:45 AM

13089 Posts
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^^I saw it in 3D, and can't remember one part of it being memorable for the 3D...wasted some cash.

7/1/2015 11:30:56 AM

All American
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Movies like this I have to see in imax... There was no option to see it in imax other than 3d.. But the 3d was cool I thought.

7/1/2015 11:42:01 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"Yeah, the area around the aquatic creature's habitat had been damaged. That is why it was able to land-dock itself and eat the dinosaur. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have been able to do that because of safeguards."

I was saying that helped "grease the wheels" so to speak.

7/1/2015 12:38:22 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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I find it a little odd that with all of the technology, including those state of the art hamster have dead spots for cell service? Should've had TMobile sponsor the new dinosaur and not Verizon.

Not sure what I think of this moving. Nothing groundbreaking, but entertaining. I don't see how it is making that much money though. I guess all the people that didn't grow up watching Jurassic Park are eating this one up.

7/11/2015 12:02:00 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Whatever complaints I made in the Avatar thread are applicable here so just go back and read those.

7/13/2015 12:22:42 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Went in expecting to see a Jurassic Park movie, left theater feeling that I saw a Jurassic Park movie.

I'm not sure what a lot of you people were expecting to see, but I got what I paid for and enjoyed the vast majority of it. My biggest critique is that I wish they would've let Chris Pratt be a little more Chris Pratt-y.

7/13/2015 8:10:59 AM

All American
26447 Posts
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Ron Howard's daughter did well on the plastic surgery

I don't know how people are devoted fans of the first one. It wasn't fucking Shakespeare

[Edited on July 22, 2015 at 3:42 AM. Reason : .]

7/22/2015 3:27:56 AM

All American
22931 Posts
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I didn't realize that was Ron Howard's daughter.

7/22/2015 8:52:55 AM

All American
948 Posts
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Offtopic: I find it funny that people can get plastic surgery, improve their looks, and then later on they have kids who end up with the same pre-surgery busted face.

7/22/2015 2:58:24 PM

All American
27208 Posts
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Doesn't hurt that she has professional hair and make up done on the pic on the right.

7/22/2015 5:12:17 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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She's hot.

8/11/2015 1:22:08 PM

All American
5866 Posts
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and she can run through the jungle in high heels

8/12/2015 12:16:46 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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The final dinosaur fight is like a follow-up of King Kong VS dinosaur scene a decade ago. A blonde in a white skirt is always getting involved.

8/12/2015 12:21:54 PM

All American
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The political meaning behind the final fight:

The red evil dinosaur: rising P. R. China
The original dinosaur: US
raptor: Japan or Taiwan or Korea, etc
dinosaur under the sea: Russia or India

8/14/2015 10:34:10 AM

All American
5423 Posts
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bert maclin you son of a gun

8/16/2015 10:06:47 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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The final fight is so epic that everybody after watching it won't ever forget.

[Edited on August 17, 2015 at 1:04 PM. Reason : ;]

8/17/2015 1:04:20 PM

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