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5608 Posts
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I wonder what goodies anthony weiner has on his phone. If he wasn't smart enough to wipe sexting a 15 year old girl about rape fantasies, I doubt he cleaned up much else.

"This wouldn't be the first time Clinton's political aspirations were thwarted by a rogue weiner". lol

10/30/2016 5:01:27 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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weiner is another example of how democrat voters have zero integrity. they will elect anyone as long as they have a d next to their name. they were even going to make this man mayor which wpuld have put him on a path to the white house

10/30/2016 6:05:17 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Weiner lost the mayoral primary with less than 5% of the vote.

10/30/2016 6:21:11 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"weiner is another example of how democrat voters have zero integrity. they will elect anyone as long as they have a d next to their name."

Because the democratic platform isn't built on principals or values, it's built on convincing people they are victims and republicans are evil.

10/30/2016 6:27:21 PM

50084 Posts
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What if... there are victims of Republcian policy objectives?

10/30/2016 7:49:24 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Quote :
"We can throw trump in there too by that logic. He's not going to win."

538 has Trump at a 23% chance of winning, that's enough to be concerned about it. You can waste your breath and start arguing about how 538 is wrong, but in the end they have fairly spotless track record other than this year's primary, and you have none. So go ahead and try, but my response will be you have no authority whatsoever to argue against those numbers.

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"but you just said you would actually vote for trump himself as long as the republican candidate was worse. if david duke was the republican and trump was the democrat, americans like you would still see it as a binary choice. There is no bottom."

You're right, and yeah, potentially it goes in that way til the end of time. It's kind of like how Goldwater ran and then the candidates just kept getting worse and worse right?

Look, I'm guessing what you want to do is for lots of left leaning people to vote for Stein in order to send a message to the DNC that they better watch their step going forward and listen to the people. So let's go down that road. We all vote for Stein, Clinton wins by a small margin while the DNC holds their breath. After the election they collectively take a breath and say what? Because my bet is they're saying to themselves, "We got lucky, but good thing we have super delegates and other controls in place, otherwise we could end up in even worse shape".

The republican party has just shown them exactly what can happen if you don't have proper safeguards in place, and I'd put money on that being the thing that gets cemented into their minds a couple years from now, not that people were angry about Bernie Sanders

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 11:14 AM. Reason : g]

10/31/2016 11:13:09 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
"You can waste your breath and start arguing about how 538 is wrong, but in the end they have fairly spotless track record other than this year's primary"

so "other than the year we're talking about" they've been right

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"and you have none."

huffpo has trump at 1%

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" I'm guessing what you want to do is for lots of left leaning people to vote for Stein in order to send a message to the DNC that they better watch their step going forward and listen to the people."

I don't want to send a message to anyone. I think progressives should vote for the progressive candidate and moderates should continue to vote for moderate candidates. The only people we need to send a message to are the silent majority of people out there with progressive values in their heart who don't understand the system or don't think there is any chance of their voice ever being heard.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 5:10 PM. Reason : surprise]

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 5:30 PM. Reason : snobby]

10/31/2016 5:07:18 PM

5608 Posts
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Lmao a Huffpost poll

10/31/2016 6:17:39 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 7:35 PM. Reason : ]

10/31/2016 7:33:20 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ I know you're a troll but even trolls can differentiate between polls and aggregators/models correct?

10/31/2016 7:41:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"so "other than the year we're talking about" they've been right"

Yes, other than this year's republican primary - which just about everyone else also got wrong (and you know this) - where they underestimated Trump (which they are now saying you are doing) - they've been right

Quote :
"huffpo has trump at 1%"

I've reread your post a few times and I keep missing the part where you provide any evidence whatsoever that would give Huffpo credibility over 538

Clearly I was wrong about what your goal is. You want left leaning people to vote their heart and not settle for a candidate they don't fully support. Can you please give me a reasonable best case AND worst case scenario if that were to happen?

11/1/2016 8:57:36 AM

All American
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Also since you seem to "know" that Hillary is going to win, or at least has a 99% chance of doing so, can I assume you've put your life savings into Clinton winning the election on any of the number of betting sites that would allow you to do so? If I "knew" that something had a 99% chance of occurring and people were taking bets on it assuming only a 75% chance, I sure as shit would be putting my life savings on it

11/1/2016 9:55:02 AM

The E Man
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I'm not betting because there is a chance hillary could be arrested or have a unforgivable wikileak like being paid to make a failing libya policy. Basically something really bad happening to clinton is the only way she can lose but with what we know now, she has no chance of losing. I hope that makes sense.

Quote :
"I've reread your post a few times and I keep missing the part where you provide any evidence whatsoever that would give Huffpo credibility over 538"

I'm just saying its different. I'm not saying one has credibility over the other like you are.
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" You want left leaning people to vote their heart and not settle for a candidate they don't fully support. Can you please give me a reasonable best case AND worst case scenario if that were to happen?"

Since we can't win this election, the best case scenario is that we get 5% to secure federal funding and grow the movement so we can have a chance to get some congress seats and make it into the next round of presidential debates. GOP is about to collapse within the next few cycle and a new party will replace them as the 2nd major party. We need to be poised to take their place.

The worst case scenario is that we don't reach 5%, don't get any congressional seats in 2018, and don't make it into the 2020 debates. Then the silent majority will continue to go on thinking progressive solutions don't exist in this country. I'm afraid for the future because we know democrats and republicans won't address any real issues until they literally blow up in their face.

11/3/2016 7:57:11 PM

All American
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Trump's message of killing foreigners really appealed to me and I was thinking about voting for him Tuesday, but changed my mind when I saw Lena Dunham's Hillary rap video. Now I realize how silly I was being. I'm with her.

11/3/2016 10:27:41 PM

All American
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Bernie Sanders while campaigning for Hillary, "We will not allow billionaires to buy the United States government". And here I thought Bernie was principled.

11/4/2016 2:58:33 PM

The E Man
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hes kindve a joke now

11/4/2016 3:04:23 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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a joke you wish was still running and a joke you'd happily vote for anyway.

11/4/2016 3:37:27 PM

All American
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Dude has always been a joke. He just tricked a lot of people by promising free stuff.

11/4/2016 3:41:39 PM

The E Man
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A small part of me believes his entire run was a component of the clinton campaign. A way to excite the left and then redirect them to vote democrat so they could take back the senate and maybe the house. The theory makes sense and explains everything. His refusal to run an aggressive campaign or attack her on anything should have been a red flag.

A small part of that small part of me believes trump is also part of the clinton campaign.

11/4/2016 7:06:54 PM

8379 Posts
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11/4/2016 10:37:53 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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Nobody ever seems to complain about the UK, Australia, or Sweden donating to the Clinton Foundation. Just the countries with scary names.

11/5/2016 12:15:43 AM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"Nobody ever seems to complain about the UK, Australia, or Sweden donating to the Clinton Foundation. Just the countries with scary names. known ties to terrorist organizations"

But you sort of have a point. The US government is a terrorist organization.

11/5/2016 12:32:59 AM

All American
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Well we will pretend that not every country has ties to violent and shady organizations for a moment, but what does that have to do with money for a charity?

Should the Salvation Army be running background checks on anyone who wants to drop their money in the bucket?

11/5/2016 7:50:58 AM

All American
10673 Posts
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^if they were a real army, yes

[Edited on November 5, 2016 at 8:49 AM. Reason : s]

11/5/2016 8:45:34 AM

All American
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Do people really believe this? Like, outside of the crazy town corners of the internet? They think our current President is basing his foreign policy in the Middle East on which countries sent a few million dollars to a charity foundation run by Bill Clinton? It really boggles the mind how people get that deluded.

11/5/2016 8:51:20 AM

All American
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foreign policy in middle east is mostly driven by fact nixon replaced the gold standard with an oil standard imo

[Edited on November 5, 2016 at 9:16 AM. Reason : l]

11/5/2016 9:11:59 AM

50084 Posts
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^^ yes. Just look at any WikiLeaks posts response. It is breathtaking what people believe.

^ actually that is probably spot on

11/5/2016 9:29:45 AM

8379 Posts
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dude, twitter replies are a cesspool in general. it's not just wikileaks.

11/5/2016 12:41:06 PM

All American
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Our middle east policy is almost entirely dictated by our relationship with the Saudis. This shouldn't be news to anyone. The Bush family was quite cozy with them, the Clintons are too. We've picked SA over Iran and declared one A-ok and the other evil. Nevermind that Saudi Arabia is a much more repressive place, a bigger exporter of terror, and has a horrendous record of human rights abuses.

I would have been much more surprised if the Clinton foundation had not received millions of dollars from Sunni Arab controlled states.

11/6/2016 4:02:21 PM

The E Man
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Goldman sachs CITI JP Morgan Time Warner etc really know how to put on a campaign.

Bruce Springtsteen
Lady Gaga
Bon Jovi
Lebron James
Big Sean
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus

America can be yours too for four easy payments of 150 million dollars

11/8/2016 12:55:47 AM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"A small part of that small part of me believes trump is also part of the clinton campaign."

I've thought this the entire campaign, primaries included

11/8/2016 1:01:09 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
"The "bad cop" takes an aggressive, negative stance towards the subject, making blatant accusations, derogatory comments, threats, and in general creating antipathy between the subject and himself. This sets the stage for the "good cop" to act sympathetically, appearing supportive and understanding, and in general showing sympathy for the subject. The good cop will also defend the subject from the bad cop. The subject may feel they can cooperate with the good cop either out of trust or out of fear of the bad cop. They may then seek protection by and trust the good cop and provide the information the interrogators are seeking."

11/8/2016 1:06:57 AM

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11/11/2016 6:56:12 PM

All American
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11/12/2016 8:13:55 AM

The E Man
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Shes blaming the loss on Comey

11/12/2016 9:55:03 PM

All American
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It's probably smart of her to blame Comey, as opposed to the people who actually voted for Trump or voted third party, or old people, or millennials, or Latinos, or black people, or white women.

11/12/2016 10:02:27 PM

The E Man
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or herself

11/12/2016 10:03:07 PM

All American
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Ha like that would ever happen. Believe it or not, but some people actually really liked her and respected her- her admitting she was a crappy choice and failure isn't any consolation to them. You think Trump would blame himself either?

C'mon dude.

[Edited on November 12, 2016 at 10:17 PM. Reason : .]

11/12/2016 10:16:02 PM

The E Man
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Romney apologised for the 47 percent comment its not unheard of. There are a lof of opportunities for self-reflection. The fact that she saw herself as a perfect candidate and would only blame others for her loss is further evidence that she was unfit for the job. She lost the election because of the public-private stance quote as well as being too close to wall street. She could also reflect on her lack of campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan or throwing a music festival the last week of the election.

[Edited on November 12, 2016 at 10:22 PM. Reason : keep em honest]

11/12/2016 10:22:35 PM

All American
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I've never been a big fan of hers. I held my nose like a lot of people because she was better than Trump. As a human being, I do feel a little bad for her, given all the attacks she had to endure and how much people really loathe her. I hope she's able to enjoy the rest of her life without being a constant target. I think her ego and hubris were her ultimate downfall, but I'd imagine deep down she thought she was only trying to help, even if she won't ever be able to admit to herself that she made things worse. The witch hunt against her was pretty pathetic, even if she's the prototype of a big city democrat that's running the entire political machine. Frankly, I hope I don't hear much about her again.

[Edited on November 12, 2016 at 10:34 PM. Reason : .]

11/12/2016 10:33:51 PM

8379 Posts
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I mean she doesn't need to call herself weak. Just acknowledge that the Democrats ignored a key demographic and that's why they lost.

11/12/2016 10:47:10 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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SNL opening, listen to lyrics

[Edited on November 13, 2016 at 2:25 AM. Reason : ]

11/13/2016 2:25:26 AM

All American
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comey wouldnt have been sending letters about her emails if she didnt try to bypass the FOIA

11/13/2016 7:44:04 AM

5608 Posts
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I'm waiting for Obama's pardon, though one would think you can't issue a pardon unless you specifically state what it is for.

Hopefully Trump follows through and gets a grand jury. There is no reason to play nice, half of the country is going to hate him regardless so you might as well cut off the snake's head. In fact, maybe the leftists will see what had everyone else so concerned if we can get an actual investigation into the Clinton Foundation without caving to political pressure and giving out immunity to everyone involved.

11/13/2016 11:01:50 PM

All American
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^^^ Fuck SNL. Literally no one in the rust belt with children hooked on oxy gives a shit what they say. The fact that Democrats think that is poignant and worth anything is fucking horrifying.

11/14/2016 7:29:36 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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she looked like death warmed over tonight

11/16/2016 8:58:58 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Where did she show up?

11/16/2016 9:01:31 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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some group gave her some kind of award. i saw it in a facebook live feed from the washington post.

11/16/2016 9:05:44 PM

All American
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I know a lot of people on the right want to see her prosecuted, but I really do feel sorry for her. I'm sure this campaign was tough on her. Regardless of whether you believe the health crap that was out there, she's no spring chicken. All this travel, speaking, etc, has got to tire you out. And when the build up to the election is over, you know that there's a huge letdown.

11/16/2016 9:17:48 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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lol ain't no politician getting any sympathy from me

11/16/2016 9:24:55 PM

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