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16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Seriously Perot was a more credible candidate than this joker.

This comment is straight foolish.

2/24/2012 1:25:09 PM

Sup, B
52730 Posts
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Quote :
"Seriously Perot was a more credible candidate than this joker."

the irony being that Perot didn't actually want any change, he just didn't want Bush I to be president any longer.

2/24/2012 1:43:15 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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This might be old news, but:

2/24/2012 5:11:37 PM

16786 Posts
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I don't understand how Ron Paul has been raising about $1million a week for the last 5 weeks ..... and only $300,000 was from military?

How the fuck would they know who donates and who doesn't based on a credit card donation?

2/24/2012 11:45:33 PM

All American
3666 Posts
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Quote :
"He's just another protest-voting podium-whore, he gathers followers by appealing to fantasies and ideology, not by actually changing anything. He doesn't compromise or negotiate or propose feasible paths of reform, or do any of the other things that make an actual Democracy work, just cling to ideology and talk about the way things should be. "

You're mad because he doesn't toe the party line? He's adhering to campaign promises. Do you think democracy is about passing bills for the sake of passing bills, regardless of whether a congressman actually represents his constituency? Do you even know what "snake oil" means?

2/25/2012 9:54:33 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"he gathers followers by appealing to fantasies and ideology"

Is this what we're calling the constitution now? fantasies and ideology?

2/25/2012 11:23:28 AM

All American
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Best reason for Ron Paul:

We hired some Afghanis to burn some paperwork on a "US Military Base" in Afghanistan. Turned out they were copies of the Koran. Those Afghanis told their local buddies.

All hell breaks loose.

General John Allen (Commander, US Forces Afghanistan) apologizes.
Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia and Pacific Security Affairs apologizes.
President Barack Obama apologizes.

An Afghani soldier shoots two US soldiers on Thursday.
Two US officers (a Colonel and a Major) were shot dead in Afghanistan’s interior ministry today.
NATO is now restricting NATO soldiers to their bases in Kabul.

I'm sure Congressman Paul has an opinion on this problem.

My Opinion: FORGET Afghanistan.

2/25/2012 8:14:24 PM

16786 Posts
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Either kill them all or don't kill any.

that's the spartan way.

2/25/2012 11:38:15 PM

All American
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Yeah. Let's leave and let them kill themselves.

2/26/2012 12:25:26 AM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Down to the wire in 2-man GOP race in Michigan"

Yahoo news censoring ron paul ..........................again

Check out this pathetic biased line:

Texas Rep. Ron Paul is hardly a factor in Michigan but is airing advertisements criticizing Santorum, which aids Romney. Paul was campaigning in Oklahoma earlier Saturday before making a stop at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was nowhere to be found in the state and has spent scant time in Arizona, which also holds its primary Tuesday.

2/26/2012 12:41:26 AM

All American
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Explain why you disagree.

2/26/2012 9:40:28 AM

16786 Posts
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I disagree because Ron Paul has the national majority over the other candidates.

2/26/2012 2:03:52 PM

All American
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2/26/2012 2:25:04 PM

16786 Posts
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Everywhere you look that's not media.

2/26/2012 3:36:38 PM

5357 Posts
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AP shows Ron Paul is starting a fresh campaign called: "White Anglo Saxons for Ron Paul"

2/26/2012 5:42:28 PM

All American
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RPC Matchups:

Obama is
+1.2 over "Imaginary Republican Ubermensch in my head"
+4.8 over Romney
+6.5 over Santorum
+8.3 over Paul
+13.7 over Gingrich

2/27/2012 8:40:58 AM

All American
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Rasmussen has Paul 43/41 over Obama.

But i know Rasmussen isn't credible, accurate, or fair.

2/27/2012 2:42:27 PM

All American
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"It is now!" - Ron Paul fans everywhere

2/27/2012 2:52:36 PM

5357 Posts
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str8foolish i've always wondered... what is the make/model of your car?

2/27/2012 8:36:46 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Report: Ron Paul attacked Romney zero times in 20 debates

An analysis of 20 debates by ThinkProgress shows that Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul did not attack rival Mitt Romney once during those televised face-offs.

That’s in comparison to Paul attacking Romney’s rivals — like former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — a total of 39 times during those debates, the report said.

ThinkProgress reported that Paul attacked Santorum 22 times and Gingrich 8 times in the debates. He attacked Texas Gov. Rick Perry and businessman Herman Cain four times each and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann one time while they were in the race.

The numbers come as Santorum accuses Paul of teaming up with Romney to keep him down in Michigan, a state holding a primary on Tuesday. (SEE ALSO: Rand Paul says ‘it would be an honor to be considered’ as Romney’s running mate)

Asked to comment on the report, Gary Howard, a campaign spokesman for Paul, told TheDC, “Congressman Paul has pointed out the bad records of all of his opponents on multiple occasions during debates and interviews.”

I've watched the debates and Ron Paul, indeed, has pointed out Romney's bad records.

here are the comments: Notice, none are supporting Romney.

Quote :
" ron paul has not attacked anyone. he has stated the facts about the other person. the other person thinks it is an attack because he does not want these facts known.

1 Reply
11Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0
lele • Monroe, Louisiana • 3 hrs ago

Another vain article to try and demean RON PAUL, it won"t work people do not believe the bought out bias media and government lies anymore.

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Fedreserveisprivatenotfed • 2 hrs 16 mins ago

He doesnt need to attack Romney, Romney makes himself look stupid every time he flip flops.

7Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0
Karen • Phoenix, Arizona • 1 hr 1 min ago

Vote Ron Paul, the one who the establishment from both aisles doesn't want...there's a reason to that - he threatens the 1 percent and banksters and bought and paid for candidates business as usual

20Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!2
Karizmata • 6 hrs ago

Ron Paul says that he thinks the only difference between Romney and the rest of the candidates on the issues is that he is more diplomatic in his debates.

1 Reply
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sherrill • Stockton, California • 4 hrs ago

Ron Paul tells it like it is no #$%$ in between. Santorum is a fake proved by his own voteing record. Vote Ron Paul 2012

6Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0
s • 56 mins ago

He only attacked those two once they attacked his foreign policy. Which would save this nation Trillions in his first term

6Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0
Karen • Phoenix, Arizona • 1 hr 2 mins ago

Ron Paul Rocks !! The idea of freedom, sound money and Peace is only "whacky" to those banksters and corporate puppets

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lmg • Surfside, California • 3 hrs ago

How many minutes was Paul allowed to speak in the 20 debates is the better question?

13Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1
Dave • Blackwood, New Jersey • 4 hrs ago

Hey Ron Paul haters, please explain yourselves voting in George Bush, TWICE!! And we are the crazy ones lol?

Cherie E
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Cherie E • Lake Elsinore, California • 5 hrs ago

And how many times during the debates was Ron Paul attacked by the others? Including the pompous people asking the questions? The man has excellent restraint!"

I apologize for the messiness, it's too much to clean up. You don't have to read them if you don't want to.

2/27/2012 8:45:16 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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It'll be a Romney/Paul ticket

2/27/2012 8:47:59 PM

16786 Posts
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Romney/Paul wouldn't work. It can't work.

2/27/2012 8:51:09 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Fuck the haters.

2/27/2012 9:14:03 PM

5357 Posts
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Quote :
"Romney/Paul wouldn't work. It can't work."

well that was easy to settle. romney/paul 100% to the general election.

2/27/2012 9:21:03 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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pls embed, then quit posting your drivel

2/27/2012 11:38:31 PM

All American
4852 Posts
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Romney/Paul = Kiss the entire evangelical vote goodbye

2/28/2012 8:51:02 AM

50084 Posts
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Are those comments from the yahoo article? If so, lol at even posting them. Those people make WRAL golo posters look like Pulitzer winners. Is this the kind of "sources" you really want to use in your little meaningless social media experiment?

2/28/2012 9:09:52 AM

All American
5523 Posts
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^^ Say hello to more of the independent and young vote..

2/28/2012 9:12:19 AM

5357 Posts
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Quote :
"Romney/Paul = Kiss the entire evangelical vote goodbye"

um i think we'll be fine. lol but nice try. they'll vote for that anyday over a muslim with no resume material whatsoever but speeches.

ron paul runs as a republican for a reason. he's 99.99% a true republican. romney happens to be about 90% 'pure bred'

it's freaks like santorum that have hijacked it since the mid 80's that are ruining it. soon they'll be gone and the democrats will have no idea what to do.

remember when the democratic party lost 700 positions in 2010? lol. 2012 is coming fast. don't be too afraid.

2/28/2012 9:45:08 AM

All American
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2/28/2012 10:36:29 AM

5357 Posts
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no man THIS is funny:


lol pwnt

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 10:51 AM. Reason : -]

2/28/2012 10:43:27 AM

All American
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Yep all those folks who leap-frogged between Newt, Cain, Bachmann, Perry, and now Santorum are gonna warm right up to Mitt the Moderate Mormon and Ron "Less wars on brown people" Paul

2/28/2012 10:55:15 AM

5357 Posts
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lol u keep thinking that


2/28/2012 11:00:21 AM

All American
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You know I really like this Santorum fellow, especially his views on foreign policy and contraception. Now this guy Paul is tellin me that the US brought on 9/11, we should withdraw from foreign wars, legalize pot, and leave reproductive rights and gay rights to the states?

Hmmm yeah I guess I can see where he's coming from, I'm a pretty open-minded person after all!

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 11:02 AM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 11:02:07 AM

16786 Posts
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Straight foolish, how does it feel to be so wrong?

I mean, it must hurt being so wrong and think you're right.

How can you disprove yourself?

I would hate to go up against myself if I thought I was so right.

I mean, it's like one of those "hoarders" that don't know they're a hoarder while walking all over the hoard they've created for themselves.

On all the TV shows, the critical turning point is when they cry and let it all out.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 12:49 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 12:48:49 PM

All American
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Telling me I'm wrong over and over again isn't going to change my mind, sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you could try explaining to me logically how a Santorum supporter might find the Romney/Paul ticket more appealing than just staying home and counting down the minutes to Rapture?

2/28/2012 1:11:46 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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haha, hoarders-

liberals defending obama are markedly similar to the crazy aunt protecting her twinkie and feces collection from those who mean "harm."

2/28/2012 1:14:19 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Telling me I'm wrong over and over again isn't going to change my mind, sorry to disappoint. "

Lol... hoarders say the same thing.

By the way, the only way a hoarder can change is if they are open for change. You're not open to change so it's not worth my time. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 1:31 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 1:17:27 PM

5357 Posts
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it just won't work guys. IT CANT


[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 1:32 PM. Reason : x]

2/28/2012 1:32:27 PM

All American
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Typically the intervention process involves explaining logically why said behavior negative impacts the person's life. Never heard of a hoarder who stopped hoarding just because people kept telling him to cut it out.

Quote :

it just won't work guys. IT CANT

It'll work guys, IT JUST WILL!!!

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 1:36 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 1:33:35 PM

16786 Posts
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^^It's fact.


It's like paring Thomas Jefferson and Kim Jong Il.

It's not going to happen no matter how many times you want to joke about it.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 1:36 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 1:33:46 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Typically the intervention process involves explaining logically why said behavior negative impacts the person's life. Never heard of a hoarder who stopped hoarding just because people kept telling him to cut it out.


Exactly. You HAVE to help yourself.

2/28/2012 1:35:01 PM

All American
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I'm certainly open if you can just explain how Romney/Paul would work.

For example: Romney's policy on Iran is sanctions plus covert and overt military actions aimed at regime change. Paul's policy is peaceful trade, indifference to Iran's nuclear ambitions, and withdrawing troops en masse from the region as a whole.

So what happens? Does Romney flip to Paul's side and become a peacemonger? Does Paul abandon his famous consistency? Or do President and Running Mate tour around the country giving polar-opposite recommendations for foreign policy?

2/28/2012 1:50:46 PM

All American
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WTF is this bullshit polling data with no source? I don't really care about a poll from the fucking Heritage Foundation.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 1:52 PM. Reason : ]

2/28/2012 1:52:40 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm certainly open if you can just explain how Romney/Paul would work.

For example: Romney's policy on Iran is sanctions plus covert and overt military actions aimed at regime change. Paul's policy is peaceful trade, indifference to Iran's nuclear ambitions, and withdrawing troops en masse from the region as a whole.

So what happens? Does Romney flip to Paul's side and become a peacemonger? Does Paul abandon his famous consistency? Or do President and Running Mate tour around the country giving polar-opposite recommendations for foreign policy?"

You are missing some variables called respect, honor, integrity, and the constitution. Paul would never agree to running as VP for Romney. Whether you're talking about Ron or Rand, it doesn't matter.

2/28/2012 1:57:44 PM

All American
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So first you were arguing a Paul/Romney ticket could work.

I say it wont work. I ask you to explain how it would work.

You respond by telling me "It'll never happen you idiot!"

Am I missing something?

2/28/2012 2:06:08 PM

16786 Posts
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You hurt my head.

Paul/Romney ticket is completely different from Romney/Paul ticket.

Paul/Romney COULD happen because Romney wouldn't turn down a position of power (that has no use except in an assassination.)
Romney/Paul CAN'T happen because Paul would turn down a position of power to be second in line to someone completely opposite of his views.

Also, correct me if i'm wrong:

Paul doesn't get to pick the vice president.

The Vice President, together with the President of the United States, is indirectly elected by the people through the Electoral College to a four-year term of office.

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 2:20 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 2:16:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Also, correct me if i'm wrong:

Paul doesn't get to pick the vice president.

The Vice President, together with the President of the United States, is indirectly elected by the people through the Electoral College to a four-year term of office."

You're wrong.

2/28/2012 2:24:19 PM

16786 Posts
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If Paul gets to pick his running mate, then a Paul/Romney ticket won't happen

[Edited on February 28, 2012 at 3:08 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2012 2:43:19 PM

5357 Posts
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Quote :
"WTF is this bullshit polling data with no source? I don't really care about a poll from the fucking Heritage Foundation."

um just this random outlier... i think it's called gallup


2/28/2012 2:53:59 PM

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