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All American
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if there weren’t the pandemic going on, I’d bet their sales may have gone up for a day or two after this news broke

[Edited on March 25, 2020 at 5:56 PM. Reason : .]

3/25/2020 5:56:08 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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holy shit

3/25/2020 6:16:26 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Apparently, Hungary's parliament voted to suspend itself.

3/30/2020 10:18:20 AM

All American
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^^^ They sound like upstanding Christian folk who love God, the military, Israel, and Trump!

(That's basically what the the Twitter bio says for all the hardcore Trumpets)

3/30/2020 12:35:14 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"A train engineer intentionally drove a speeding locomotive off a track at the Port of Los Angeles because he was suspicious about the presence of a Navy hospital ship docked there to help during the coronovirus crisis, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.


Moreno acknowledged in two separate interviews with law enforcement that he intentionally derailed and crashed the train near the Mercy, according to the criminal complaint.

“You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to,” Moreno told investigators, according to the complaint. “People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.”

Moreno said he was suspicious of the Mercy and believed it had an alternate purpose related to COVID-19 or a government takeover, an affidavit states. Moreno stated that he acted alone and had not pre-planned the attempted attack.

In an interview with FBI agents, Moreno stated that “he did it out of the desire to ‘wake people up,’” according to an affidavit.

“Moreno stated that he thought that the USNS Mercy was suspicious and did not believe ‘the ship is what they say it’s for,’” the complaint said."

In unrelated news, Dr. Fauci now has a security detail.

4/2/2020 10:47:59 AM

All American
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theres gotta be a way to remove people like that from the gene pool

4/2/2020 2:57:12 PM

All American
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4/10/2020 7:39:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Good morning. After a week that brought more states trying to exploit #COVID to close abortion clinics and protests from people who would rather die than stay at home, is this the best meme ever? Or just top three?"


4/18/2020 12:41:45 PM

All American
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saw this posted somewhere:

The user /u/Dr_Midnight uncovers a massive nationwide astroturfing operation to protest the quarantine

4/19/2020 2:59:15 PM

All American
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Trump's people

5/6/2020 8:23:37 AM

All American
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I haven’t been following Barr’s BS reasons for dropping the Flynn case and charges against the other Russian spies, but this is a good oped from the person that wrote the 302 that barr has incorrectly cited as a reason to drop the case.

5/10/2020 5:57:16 PM

All American
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I have no idea if these folks are right wing, but if I had to guess, I'd say yes.

WTF is wrong with people.

5/11/2020 10:05:15 PM

Forgetful Jones
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5/13/2020 6:57:35 PM

All American
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right wing think tanker sure seems to have some ties with some horribly racist people

5/14/2020 10:51:56 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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This helps to explain why people are showing up armed to so many anti-lockdown protests.

5/29/2020 8:32:21 AM

1331 Posts
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These are people who have the president’s ear.

[Edited on May 31, 2020 at 4:56 PM. Reason : .]

5/31/2020 4:56:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
" it seems we have another case where anti-Antifa hysteria led members of one community in Washington state to go full feral and create a harrowing Deliverance type situation for a multi-racial family from Spokane who was looking to go camping. "


6/5/2020 11:45:47 AM

All American
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I'm not sure which thread to post this in, but this seems most appropriate, just to point out how full of shit right wing radicals are:

6/7/2020 5:53:41 PM

All American
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we’re extremely close to these ending in murder

6/13/2020 1:35:24 PM

50084 Posts
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And also the NM shooting last night. He’ll claim self-defense but he clearly escalated the situation. What’s NM law?

6/16/2020 2:50:39 PM

Save TWW
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^NM related
Quote :
"The New Mexico Republican Party hears there was a shooting at a protest, puts out a statement denouncing it...then it comes out that the shooter was a former republican candidate for office who shot someone for trying to pull down a statue, and they RETRACT THE STATEMENT. "

6/16/2020 3:08:54 PM

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This is actually an important primer on the Boogaloo movement and one I was ignorant too. It’s not as simple as boxing adherents in. It’s not cohesive, like Antifa... though is far more violent.

6/16/2020 3:33:20 PM

All American
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Are they related to Juggalos?

6/17/2020 7:55:28 AM

All American
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So I don’t do the Facebook thing a lot, but did log in today and saw multiple references to how the Las Vegas shooter was an FBI cover up for the CIA and how the official story makes no sense. I had no clue that there were conspiracy groups that were leading people to believe the Las Vegas shootings were up for question.

I’m also concerned that the people posting this information finds the theory so credible that they are willing to share it with anyone who follows them and that people following conspiracy theories these days are no longer just the nerdy kids with X-files posters on their walls and Mysteries of the Unknown books on their shelves. These are adults who are very well integrated into society and hold ‘professional’ careers.

6/17/2020 10:51:41 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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This month's Atlantic has an article about Qanon. It comes to the conclusion that these people are basically part of a new religion.

They're not spreading conspiracy theories, they're sharing the gospel.

6/18/2020 2:41:19 PM

All American
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What gospel?

6/18/2020 3:00:54 PM

All American
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That Robert Kennedy is coming back to arrest all the pedophiles in government.....or something.

6/18/2020 3:05:23 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Do your own research!

6/18/2020 3:12:14 PM

All American
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Post the link to the article!

6/18/2020 3:20:22 PM

All American
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how hard is it to google “Atlantic Q article”??

6/18/2020 3:30:24 PM

All American
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As hard as posting multiple times on a dead message board.

6/18/2020 3:34:06 PM

All American
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the real kicker is he wont read it OR he will be offended.

6/18/2020 3:39:29 PM

All American
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Clicked on the link, and you are right. I am not going to waste my time reading a 10,000 word piece on a topic I could care less about. I was just curious what the gospel you were referring to.

[Edited on June 18, 2020 at 3:43 PM. Reason : I did a search for "gospel" and did not find any results.]

6/18/2020 3:42:46 PM

All American
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we have a real brainiac here, folks

6/18/2020 5:47:52 PM

All American
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^^the article refers to how Qanon is very similar to a religion. Those who participate in it feel that God called them to it, they don’t need or want any physical proof because faith alone is enough to support their beliefs, scripture is often quoted as part of Qanon, and the movement ties its dogma to the anticipation and preparation for the end of days.

What was most depressing for me is that this movement is bigger than just DjTrump and that they will likely continue to grow in number and influence even when Trump is out of office and the prophecies cited do not come to pass.

6/19/2020 3:15:57 PM

All American
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Quote :




6/19/2020 3:32:45 PM

All American
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6/21/2020 12:37:43 PM

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Interesting... this is like half of Trumps base

7/21/2020 8:03:20 PM

All American
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B/c I think this might become THE most important domestic issue of the next decade. It pains me to say that, just thinking of the opportunity costs of the issues we should really be working on (healthcare, justice, inequality, etc). These Q/militia/kkk people are gonna absorb way too much of the political discourse, and we will all be much worse off for that.

First couple pages of this thread from way back in 2014 are pretty good btw.

1/12/2021 6:36:20 AM

All American
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Yes, the first few pages of this thread are interesting.... dtownral fighting the good fight

And a lot of posters:
Quote :
"You haven't phrased the issue in a way that leaves us blameless, therefore this thread's stupid."

1/12/2021 9:52:10 AM

All American
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Quote :
" What a shit thread.

Can you just leave? Just pack up your shit and go home."

pretty great

1/12/2021 10:16:12 AM

Save TWW
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Ah dtr, had good stuff to say but just couldn't stop being a dick to everyone (and one person in particular!)

1/12/2021 10:45:16 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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I forgot how many right-wingers previously posted on this board.

1/12/2021 11:16:52 AM

Save TWW
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At least rjr seems to have finally seen the light

1/12/2021 11:22:47 AM

All American
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Yea, I don’t want to be harsh on the people posting in 2014 that happened to be wrong. It was a different time and I think just about everyone was a little naive on the direction the country was about to take. For that matter just about everyone has been wrong when trying to predict how the future will shake out at some point, that’s what makes those discussions interesting and we can’t discourage discussion on TWW, as scarce as it is.

At the same time, the current state of the GOP has been sorta, kinda, predicted by liberals/leftist for the last 5 years (and probably closer to the last 10 years for some). Why were so many blind to the party direction? And at what point do people start conceding we could have cut a lot of this nonsense off at the pass if we had started addressing this 5 years ago.

1/12/2021 12:04:35 PM

All American
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the fuckin’ cops, man

1/14/2021 11:09:07 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Quote :
"Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding..."

1/27/2021 11:23:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The FBI previously said Tarrio’s earlier arrest was an effort to preempt the events of January 6."

bang up job, guys.

Quote :
"He said Tarrio helped police uncover three marijuana grow houses, and was a “prolific” cooperator"

Can't stop an attempted autogolpe and overthrow of the government, but they busted down three houses for weed possession. Outstanding stuff, really got their eyes on the prize.

1/27/2021 1:25:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Even until January 6th, the avant-garde dream was battered but dreamable. But on that day it was not just QAnon that was broken, but the even broader dream of what we might call “QAnon lite”—the belief that Trump somehow genuinely wanted, intended, planned, or even knew what it would have meant to take control of the executive branch.

I just asked a friend, who might even have known, whether the Bane reference was intentional. He replied: “nothing cool was intentional.” Of course not. Trump was a boomer, in the end; to the end, he was sailing along in his private bubble of the 1980s.

They had him completely convinced he was the real President—and the voters who elected him completely convinced that they were real voters. He was the orange. They were going to drink the orange juice. They got—four years of orange drink.

Finally, at the last minute, he realized that he was completely alone, and no one around him was working for him. His “lawyer” was not even his lawyer. As for his voters, they realized that there are no rules anymore—at least, no rules that protect their kind.

And for the first time—not in the dream world, but the real world—they both tried to act. Both these actions had the same character. They were actions in reality, outside the dream; but in planning and conception, they were devised as if the dream was real.

Trump tried to be the chief executive of the “executive branch.” His demonstrators tried to give the American regime a dose of its own “people power.” It turned out that the “executive branch” is really the legislative branch, that a Republican in the White House is as relevant as tits on a boar hog, and “people power” is just an excuse for the State Department to destabilize regimes it doesn’t like. It does like ours—so no dice.

Because such actions were not planned in reality, but in their own dreamworlds, they were hilarious and catastrophic failures. But we have a term for the collision of reality with a dream, after which the dream explodes and cannot be restored: waking up.

A natural experiment, at its best—and covid was also a natural experiment, of course— generates data that can never be destroyed. It makes a noise that cannot be unheard. It is exactly this sort of surprise that your subconscious is listening for while you sleep—in case a leopard has come into the cave.

So you woke up. But what is going on the cave? And will you just go back to sleep? You might—but not by resuming your dream. You can’t pause a dream. This is the favor that Trump, for all his faults, has done for his country: he woke the place up. Whatever we should be doing next, are you sure we didn’t need that?

The dream of the right
When we wake up after a dream, we experience the dream as a memory. We test this memory to see if it happened—and conclude that it did not.

The dream soon becomes hard to remember—as the Cold War is hard to remember. Did we really do duck-and-cover drills, in the early 80s? Or was it before my time? I can’t even remember. I could google it.

What are Republicans supposed to believe in now? It is too cheap to say they will go back to bowtie conservatism. Bowtie conservatism has lost the voter’s confidence, because the voter has tasted a deeper, more flavorful conservatism. If the only legal beer is light beer, everyone will drink light beer. As soon as the beer laws are relaxed and you can get a decent IPA, light beer becomes a niche product.

Then we discovered that real beer gives you cancer. And bourbon will just kill you. And light beer is just a diluted version of real beer, so it probably gives you cancer too. In any case, Congress is banning alcohol. We’ll need another way to get wasted. Glue? Every party has bad years—the GOP picked the wrong year to stop sniffing glue.

The whole Republican spectrum is a dream we are rapidly forgetting. From bearded musket larpers on the right end, to gay oil-and-gas lobbyists on the left, it is all fake. None of it has any positive agenda, any plan, any goal, that stands the new light of day. The only available dreams are either disproven or diluted. Who wants to try the same fantasy again, and get the same result? Who would rather pretend, and get no result?

The dream of the left
The absolute worst kind of hangover is when you got so drunk, you wake up and you’re still drunk. Leftists must feel like that now—the Trump administration was one long wild party for the American left. Maybe impeachment will be a nice hair-of-the-dog. But no New Jersey wine aunt will ever again feel like she’s in the French Resistance. The party, like the dream, is never the same in the morning.

The next four years will be a kind of midlife crisis for the American left, in which it realizes that it isn’t young anymore. There will never again be a rebellious left. The left is married to power—the left has a wife, a house, a mortgage, two cars, a kid and a dog. The left is rich. The left is old. And the left is boring.

And yet the left in its own mind is still Luke Skywalker and his friends—a ragtag band of madcap heroes, going up against a vast and faceless empire. And yet we just saw which side is the ragtag band, and which has Zoom calls as big as the Galactic Senate.

The mindset of being consciously in power, of accepting Virgil’s burden of giving the law, of cheering your Cossacks when they charge a hooligan peasant mob at full gallop, then mercilessly beat those yokels with the heavy leather knout—this is an unfamiliar new situation for the American left, which is not used to its brand-new red lightsaber.

Not that the left hasn’t been in power for the lives of all now living. It has been. But for that whole time till now, it has succeeded brilliantly in pretending to be the underdog. Thanks to Trump, and to its response to Trump, this charade seems no longer viable. And it has always underpinned so much of the left’s appeal.

Now, the left will have to adopt the mindset of a party of power—the mindset of every party of power, for this mindset is always the same. Power is good, and the headrush of incoming power will keep everyone stimulated for a good solid while. Once it peaks and goes stale—all you have is this grim, grimy, anal and paranoid delatocracy.

At this point the System is still strong—but only physically strong. It has lost every trace of spiritual sap. Its phloem is dry as a bone. It’s as thrilling as Christian Science. No one can say how long its husk will persist; but it is dead, and cannot grow back."

Because such actions were not planned in reality, but in their own dreamworlds, they were hilarious and catastrophic failures. But we have a term for the collision of reality with a dream, after which the dream explodes and cannot be restored: waking up.

1/28/2021 10:14:47 AM

All American
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didn’t realize that nihilists were able to jack off to themselves so hard

1/28/2021 10:28:50 AM

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