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mainly potato
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Good luck and I hope she feels better soon!

5/5/2013 6:45:32 PM

All American
8660 Posts
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Does anyone have any experience with the mom being Rh negative and the father being Rh positive and taking RhoGAM to keep away Rh fetal disease?

5/6/2013 5:21:55 PM

All American
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The doctor now is pretty sure she gets virus in her stomach. She has diarrhea besides vomiting, which is a good sign as the virus is gonna leave the body by pooping. Hopefully we can go home tomorrow.

5/6/2013 6:25:28 PM

All American
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She's slowly getting better everyday. Only one vomiting today so far.

5/7/2013 2:21:56 PM

All American
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I'm in the hospital again after less than a week. That sucks!

5/17/2013 11:36:23 PM

All American
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Yeah so today we washed a diaper that was inside a sheet (diaper was clean).

Now what?

7/9/2013 8:00:26 PM

21952 Posts
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Omg. If it was disposable, those things swell up like crazy in the washing machine.

7/9/2013 9:27:03 PM

All American
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Yep it was a disposable one & it disintegrated. The sheet it was wrapped in largely contained it, but the sheet is dunzo...I'm not spending a hour cleaning diaper particles

7/12/2013 12:52:22 PM

All American
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Ugh. Son is in a screaming/yelling out in a public place phase. Second day in a row I've left a restaurant mid meal.

7/20/2013 1:17:33 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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time to whoop dat ass

7/20/2013 1:44:23 PM

All American
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A) How old? Below 3 I think that's just a fact of life.
B) Maybe NRR was being facetious but hitting them will only make them resent you and you'll feel like shit.

7/21/2013 9:12:50 AM

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Yeah, we pretty much don't go out to eat anymore unless it's somewhere loud that you can throw your trash on the floor.

Sometimes if we lower our voices to a whisper our children will lower their voices to match ours, but most of the time it's just a matter of picking a kid friendly (noisy) place to eat and keeping them too busy to be rowdy.

7/21/2013 10:40:13 AM

All American
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Yep, we have lots of activities, sticker books, coloring books, and for extremely long waits we'll bust out the phones and let them watch something.

7/21/2013 11:17:38 AM

21952 Posts
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I actually paid for a flash card app that my kids liked because it would keep them engaged more than ten minutes. I've been saved from a lot of hassle by that 2.99 app.

7/21/2013 11:43:49 AM

All American
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He's 2. This was at a fast food restaurant and a Cracker Barrel. (We're out of town) Both not technically a bad place for a kid to scream out, I just don't like it and am more embarrassed. That's why I end up removing him.

I bring crayons, books, and quiet toys but they aren't working right now. He'll also do it in the grocery store, and usually that's when I bring out my phone and throw on "100 trains in 10 minutes" from YouTube. I say "use inside voices" and speak softly to him and sometimes he'll whisper back, but then he'll yell out again thinking it's a game. I think there's some situations where a pop is ok, but I don't think this is one. I would never "whoop dat ass."

7/21/2013 12:00:15 PM

All American
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Our 2 year old boy can pull that crap sometimes. I'll take him out to the car and let him know he's not going back in until he can walk in and sit down calmly. It takes a few minutes, but he's getting better.

7/21/2013 1:12:15 PM

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With my two year old, it's more that she has an opinion about things. She's learned that she can say "No." and demand what she wants. She doesn't want to sit in the high chair, she wants to stand in the high chair, she doesn't want her food, she wants your food, she wants your drink, but no you cannot hold the cup for her, she wants to do it herself.

Then throw in a good dose of whiney unhappy because she's cutting more teeth and it just makes for a really unpleasant time.

7/21/2013 2:33:24 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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i know i got my ass beat at least once a week and it definitely worked

[Edited on July 23, 2013 at 9:08 PM. Reason : possibly shedding some light on why i got a vasectomy]

[Edited on July 23, 2013 at 9:12 PM. Reason : nah, it's so i can retire early]

7/23/2013 9:07:56 PM

All American
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My daughter is 8 months old now and she wakes up at night 3 times everyday. She needs to be fed before going to sleep. Is it normal for her age?

7/24/2013 9:02:57 AM

All American
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Babies are different. We Ferber'd each of ours at 6-7 months and it worked fine. Our second needed essentially no training because he was already pretty comfortable in his crib.

Quote :
"i know i got my ass beat at least once a week and it definitely worked"

If you had to have kept getting beat every week, did it really work? I was raised the same way, btw.

[Edited on July 24, 2013 at 9:55 AM. Reason : .]

7/24/2013 9:53:24 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Maybe not. We were relatively well-behaved kids in public.

7/24/2013 12:11:30 PM

All American
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from what I understand my husband got his share of whoopings as well growing up. I, on the other hand, just had to be spanked once for breaking something and I pretty much never acted out after that.

I just want to be able to put the fear in him...still haven't figured out how to do that yet. he's mischief as hell. the only thing that really upsets him discipline wise is when he throws a toy. he throws it; the toy becomes mine. that actually gets a "I did something wrong and I don't like this consequence" response. everything else he just smiles at and thinks it is funny. *sigh*

Quote :
"My daughter is 8 months old now and she wakes up at night 3 times everyday. She needs to be fed before going to sleep. Is it normal for her age?"

we also did the Ferber/CIO (cry it out) method at 9 months. he's been a good sleeper since. We still gave our son breastmilk/forumla at that age, and kind of still do before bed (he's 2). I say kind of b/c he does get milk "before bed" but it's an hour before his bedtime and more of a continuation from dinner instead of right before bed.

7/24/2013 1:17:56 PM

17377 Posts
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parker will be 1 on august 7 & still wakes up for a bottle around midnight. we've tried CIO but she gets so upset that she pukes, then wakes up 5-7 times a night. it doesn't get better the next night, or the next, or the next, etc. it's a lot easier to just keep feeding her at midnight. we're starting to water down her milk though in hopes that maybe she'll stop needing it one day...

7/25/2013 10:21:06 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
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shoot, have you tried adding cereal to her bottle before she goes to sleep? It might keep her fuller/asleep longer.

We've been adding cereal to every single one of Henry's bottles (we are also feeding him baby food). He's 8 months old as well (will be 9 months on Aug 14th) and he's been sleeping through the night since he was 3 months old. We put him down around 8p-9p each night and he sleeps til 7:30 or 8am. He's also only taking one nap a day (3 hours in the afternoon). This routine seems to work for us. It might not work for you as I've been told that I have a "rare" child. He's a crawling machine, can pull himself up on couches, chairs etc and "walk" by holding onto things.

7/27/2013 1:08:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"parker will be 1 on august 7 & still wakes up for a bottle around midnight. we've tried CIO but she gets so upset that she pukes, then wakes up 5-7 times a night. it doesn't get better the next night, or the next, or the next, etc. it's a lot easier to just keep feeding her at midnight. we're starting to water down her milk though in hopes that maybe she'll stop needing it one day...

You're a terrible parent for not following a very specific guideline that only works for some children.

When we did it, we extended the time incrementally but only to a maximum of like 15 minutes out of the room. If they woke up later it reset to original (which I think started at 1 minute). Making sure not to pick them up, but soothe them in their crib. Ours didn't take that long, and maybe you've already tried all that, but trying to help if I can. Not because I think I can raise kids better than you, I just know how genuinely awful not sleeping is for everyone in the family.

Headphones with really loud music/video games for the breaks were key.

Edit: and I just read more carefully that it's only once a night now, so I bet weaning slowly is probably the way to go.

[Edited on July 29, 2013 at 4:07 PM. Reason : .]

7/29/2013 4:06:27 PM

17377 Posts
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We tried. It doesn't work for her. She's a very...particular, temperamental, sensitive, etc. Has been from day one. After reading a shit ton & talking to lots of other parents, things that tend to work for the masses usually don't work for her. So we are just forging our own path here & we'll get there when we get there I suppose.

[Edited on July 30, 2013 at 1:52 PM. Reason : ]

7/30/2013 1:51:26 PM

21952 Posts
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73, you rock. Don't listen to the lemmings. Ferber/CIO is very problematic. I think that it borders on emotionally abusive. But I also think that circumcision is sexual violation of the most basic kind. So what do I know? I'm an extremist. But really any method of child rearing that asks you to ignore your instinctual response to comfort and nurture your child should be heavily questioned.

Oh trolly trolly troll.

7/30/2013 8:45:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"73, you rock. Don't listen to the lemmings. Ferber/CIO is very problematic. I think that it borders on emotionally abusive. But I also think that circumcision is sexual violation of the most basic kind. So what do I know? I'm an extremist. But really any method of child rearing that asks you to ignore your instinctual response to comfort and nurture your child should be heavily questioned. "

Not trying to start a battle (and I'm 100% with you on circumcision) but I can guarantee you that the emotional abuse our children suffered during our short sleep training process was orders of magnitude less than they and we would have suffered continuing the sleeplessness. I don't regret for a second sleep training (or bringing my son home whole).

7/31/2013 10:19:24 AM

mainly potato
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I work with 5 year old that never had to cry it out. They still have monitors in their rooms, and hey still call mom and dad consistently. Even when they just have to pee...and they have bathrooms in their rooms. I know this is an extreme but it is crazy.

7/31/2013 11:16:55 AM

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Lol. I definitely understand what you mean about the magnitude of damage. Being sleep deprived is no bueno.

I know that parents do what they have to do. And desperate times call for desperate measures. But I believe that there are kinder and gentler ways to deal with sleep issues that leave a child secure and mom & dad well rested. I wasn't kidding when I said I was an extremist, my older child never slept in a crib (or as I like to call them, baby cages). We co-sleep and even once we've transitioned them into their own bed, they're always welcomed into our bed. I think that it has saved us a lot of up and down by not *forcing* a restless anxious child to self soothe.

^And that is an entirely different issue. Those are children who haven't been taught to be independent.

[Edited on July 31, 2013 at 1:54 PM. Reason : /]

7/31/2013 1:53:27 PM

Not suspended
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BigEgo = gonna be a dad

7/31/2013 7:25:19 PM

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She is definitely independent. She doesn't want you to help her do anything & is very stubborn. Apparently she gets this from me.

7/31/2013 7:56:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"BigEgo = gonna be a dad "

Conga rats!

8/1/2013 10:07:15 AM

21952 Posts
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Oh shite. Congrats!

8/1/2013 11:46:29 AM

All American
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not sure if this is the right place to post, but my girl is taking about a container of similac a week even with baby food......things are getting expensive

is there a place to trade baby formula coupons?
i need similac coupons and have some enfamil coupons to trade....send me a PM thanks!

8/2/2013 11:48:04 AM

All American
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man get the powdered Member's Mark formula at Sam's club. it is like half the price of the name brand stuff but has the EXACT same ingredients and nutrition.

8/2/2013 6:38:11 PM

All American
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We got costco's Kirkland brand which was available on amazon.

8/2/2013 9:09:55 PM

21952 Posts
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Ditto Sam's Club.

8/2/2013 11:08:05 PM

All American
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thanks for the tips...I try to get my similac always from either target (when they throw in a GC), if not, then i get the large containers from Sams or Costco...but those $5 similac checks really do help.

i'll have to check out members mark next time i'm at sams...thanks for the tips....oh and if anyone needs some enfamil coupons, drop me a PM i'll mail them to ya

8/3/2013 12:55:03 AM

All American
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double post

[Edited on August 3, 2013 at 12:56 AM. Reason : k]

8/3/2013 12:55:43 AM

17377 Posts
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check your birth month club on join that group & look for anybody with extra coupons, or ask to trade. i didn't pay full price for formula until she was like 11 months old, & i'd still get coupons just not as many. most of the girls on there are willing to send you the coupons w/o trading, they pay for the stamp. it's a great community if you're not already a member. what month was your kid born?

[Edited on August 3, 2013 at 10:22 AM. Reason : ]

8/3/2013 10:21:15 AM

All American
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For those of you with networked monitors, watch out for this

People like that are evil and should be flogged. There is nothing funny or harmless about that.

9/2/2013 10:03:16 PM

Not suspended
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Feeling my baby move around in my finance's belly is a very special feeling. Never would have thought I'd be so excited about that.

9/10/2013 1:05:11 AM

mainly potato
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BigEgo, post here!

Maybe we can drum up some more preggos on the site.

9/10/2013 7:47:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Never would have thought I'd be so excited about that."

Millions of years of evolution are a bitch.

9/13/2013 4:09:10 PM

All American
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Boys toddler pants: do all brands have the elastic button/snap closure on the inside to make the waist more narrow or just some? I know Gap kids does. I heard Old Navy did, but the pair I got at consignment didn't have them. I'm assuming Osh kosh would definitely have those.

9/14/2013 1:52:37 PM

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Unless they're full elastic waists, most pants have the adjustable waist band once you get past maybe a 2T. Most of my 5yo son's pants are Target, Arizona, Old Navy, and Osh Kosh and I cannot recall any of them without the adjustable waist.

All of his school uniform pants are Old Navy and all have the adjustable waist.

[Edited on September 15, 2013 at 12:44 AM. Reason : .]

9/15/2013 12:42:48 AM

All American
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The old navy ones I just bought are 2T, not a full elastic waist, and didnt have the adjustable band

Maybe they were a very old pair since I did buy them consigned, but I dunno *shrug*
I'll just have to keep looking.

9/15/2013 8:19:35 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
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Any fun things to with infants in Raleigh? Henry is 10 months old so too young for most classes (they tend to be for a year and up). I take him for walks in the park and to swing on the baby swings. He loves to go to Target

The other day I took him to PetSmart to look at the animals. He loved the kittens that you could adopt.

I'm a stay at home mom so sometimes when we go out somewhere, it's more for my sanity. But Id love to get out for my sanity and have Henry be stimulated/entertained as well. Any suggestions for places that we can go?

9/20/2013 8:50:13 AM

mainly potato
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I work with a 9 month old now. You should come to the park in Bedford. We go to Pottersville Park *almost* everyday around 10 or 10:30. I don't drive home anywhere though so all we do is walk and swing and then go look at the fountain or Lake Inspiration.

9/20/2013 1:21:05 PM

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