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All American
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Quote :
"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

4. Requires excessive admiration

5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes"

Still relevant.

6/23/2012 10:33:41 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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Obama seems more like a Macdonald Triad to me

6/23/2012 10:47:46 PM

All American
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^^your biases are still preventing you from realizing that you're describing pretty much every politician? that casts doubts on your credibility when you're biased like that.

6/24/2012 11:55:06 AM

All American
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^ odd, I didn't know this thread was about every politician.

I was operating under the assumption this thread was about President Obama's credibility watch.

What you said is still irrelevant.

6/24/2012 4:03:09 PM

All American
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i see. you justify your bias because of the thread title. that's rich.
btw, i haven't seen you post this in other threads about politicians.

i wish there weren't so many hacks in sb.

6/24/2012 4:42:12 PM

All American
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you kiss obamas ass in every other thread in TSB, are you a hack?

how about we just dispense with the term "biased" since everyone is?

6/24/2012 4:46:53 PM

All American
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^^ other politicians don't have their names and faces on WH basketballs.

other politicians don't encourage forgoing anniversary, birthday, or wedding presents to give to his/her political campaigns

other politicians don't declare that the rise of the ocean will slow and the planet will begin to heal because they are elected (to a primary)

other politicians don't declare that the troops that he himself has sent overseas are fighting for him

6/24/2012 5:13:39 PM

All American
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^^how about you find one single time i "kiss obama's ass", just once.

My occassional defense of him against false accusations and silly attacks still doesn't mean i even like him all that much. I realize that's hard for a hack to graspl, but it shouldn't be.

Quote :
"other politicians don't encourage forgoing anniversary, birthday, or wedding presents to give to his/her political campaigns"

sure they have. maybe not through a registry website, but it's not new for politicians to try to raise campaign money

Quote :
"other politicians don't declare that the troops that he himself has sent overseas are fighting for him"

what? yes they do.

Quote :
"other politicians don't declare that the rise of the ocean will slow and the planet will begin to heal because they are elected (to a primary)"

that's a long article, can you show me the quote (and the context)? somehow i doubt he says it in the context you're trying to infer.

6/24/2012 5:47:43 PM

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6/24/2012 9:15:48 PM

All American
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Now explain each of those points without quoting anybody or anything and without posting any pictures or videos.

6/24/2012 9:39:05 PM

All American
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To bad the GOP has to rely on Romney.....repeat of W vs Kerry.....

6/24/2012 10:19:02 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Now explain each of those points without quoting anybody or anything and without posting any pictures or videos."

1. Guantanamo is not only still in existence, they are expanding it with a $750,000 soccer field.

2. NDAA says that if you're a SUSPECTED terrorist as an American, you can be held indefinitely without right to due process as guaranteed under the Bill of Rights for every American.

3. We have more military conflict...

okay this is stupid, each and every bullet point is well known and self explanatory.

[Edited on June 24, 2012 at 10:29 PM. Reason : .]

6/24/2012 10:28:38 PM

All American
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Im not an obama supporter but I cringe when people bring up gas prices doubling. Hell he took office right at the bottom of the recession so of course gas prices were down. Gas prices doubling has more to do with timing than his policies. (which havent been favorable to oil) IMO

[Edited on June 24, 2012 at 10:32 PM. Reason : .]

6/24/2012 10:31:51 PM

All American
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I like that this "retainyourfreedom" pic makes a big deal because the government ISN'T forcing the labelling of genetically modified shit.

How dare the tyrranical government not force that on companies!

[Edited on June 24, 2012 at 10:34 PM. Reason : ]

6/24/2012 10:32:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"okay this is stupid, each and every bullet point is well known and self explanatory."

6/24/2012 10:37:25 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :

Im not an obama supporter but I cringe when people bring up gas prices doubling. Hell he took office right at the bottom of the recession so of course gas prices were down. Gas prices doubling has more to do with timing than his policies. (which havent been favorable to oil) IMO"

The price of gas is set by humans, therefore it's manipulated by the human powers that control them.

Personally, I feel like the government is in bed with the oil companies and use gas prices to seep money out of the economy to avoid inflation.

They keep the gas prices artificially inflated until people are ready to do something about them, at which time they lower them so people will succumb to laziness and forget about them. You can't fight or complain about high gas prices while they're relatively low gas prices at the immediate moment of time.

On the other hand, the prices skyrocketed in the winter this year so that the prices could be artificially low for the elections.

6/24/2012 10:42:24 PM

All American
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Uh... gas prices INCREASE inflation.

6/25/2012 9:04:04 AM

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If you have 10 people and you give each one $10, you can reasonably charge $1 for a sub.
If you have 10 people and you give each one $1,000,000, you can reasonably charge $100,000 for a sub.

But you can't charge $100,000 if everyone only has $10.

Let's look at this again:

If you have 10 people and you give each one $10, you can reasonably charge $1 for a sub.
If you have 10 people and you print $10,000,000, but not distribute it, you can't reasonably charge $100,000 for a sub until you distribute it.

Let's look at this again:

The government just printed $8,000,000,000,000 in the last 4 years. If distributed equally to all 313 million people in the United States, then we'd all have $25,559 extra in our bank accounts and thus INFLATION will kick in because money will be worth less, but the buying power (in percent of total money) will remain the same.

The government has bills and cannot not pay their bills, so they have to figure out a way to spend the money and get it back so that the economy can have the same amount of money distributed to the majority of people to keep prices relatively stable.

So if they jack up the price of gas $1 to remove $1 for every gallon of gas sold in the United States, the government can take out $400,000,000 per day extra... for free.... for the same exact gas. That's $4,000,000,000 OUT OF THE ECONOMY every 10 days because they know people HAVE to use their cars to get to work. People are too stupid to get a job close to home.

Now... if society gets too tight and people start complaining, they drop the price down to $2.00 a gallon to INJECT $4,000,000,000 into the economy, or to $3 to keep equilibrium.

In conclusion, while higher gas prices leads to inflation, it's a micro-inflation compared to releasing $8,000,000,000,000 to a free economy.

[Edited on June 25, 2012 at 11:50 AM. Reason : .]

6/25/2012 11:44:54 AM

All American
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You're precious. The government is secretly manipulating gas prices for its nefarious ends.

6/25/2012 12:49:59 PM

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Yep, the government doesn't do anything in secret.

6/25/2012 12:57:28 PM

All American
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Just because people may not subscribe toyour secret gas-price conspiracy theory, doesn't mean they don't recognize that the government does secret stuff.

6/25/2012 1:05:28 PM

16786 Posts
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Nor do they recognize the governmental reach into our economy.

6/25/2012 1:07:44 PM

All American
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just because they don't subscribe to your gas-price conspiracy theroy doesn't mean they don't realize that the government manipulates the economy.

why is this so hard for you to grasp?

6/25/2012 1:08:45 PM

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6/25/2012 1:09:57 PM

All American
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cool pic G

6/25/2012 1:13:47 PM

16786 Posts
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You like that? Here's another one.

6/25/2012 1:21:54 PM

All American
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keep making a difference

6/25/2012 1:27:39 PM

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All American
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yep, there goes genius, making a difference again, enlightening us all

All American
7403 Posts
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keep making a difference, genius

All American
7403 Posts
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So do you feel you're making a difference and actually reaching people on tww? Do you think you're making people aware and changing minds? Because I certainly haven't gotten that impression, whatsoever. It seems to me that people dismiss anything you post, and you actually do a disservice to the issue, because it's automatically disregarded.

All American
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keep making a difference

6/25/2012 1:27:39

6/25/2012 1:56:13 PM

All American
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you keep posting things as if you're making a difference. so you're saying that you're insane?

6/25/2012 2:14:29 PM

16786 Posts
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I'm pretty sure that notion was devised inside your little head and it only exists inside your little head.

Any difference you THINK I'm trying to make is purely your own perception.

6/25/2012 2:29:47 PM

All American
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What about the things he KNOWS

6/25/2012 3:20:10 PM

16786 Posts
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A troll post, nice.

6/25/2012 3:30:49 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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I really love the Obama commercial about how one of the most liberal states in the country has the highest per-capita debt. I'd love to be tossed a softball like that in a debate against a liberal who claims he wants to run the country,

6/26/2012 10:17:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"US Democratic campaign chair tells candidates to avoid convention

By Samuel P. Jacobs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The man responsible for getting Democrats elected to the U.S. Congress this fall has a message for his party's candidates: Stay away from the Democratic National Convention in September.

"If they want to win an election, they need to be in their districts," New York congressman Steve Israel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, told the Reuters Washington Summit on Tuesday.

Israel emphasized that Democratic President Barack Obama's poll ratings - which have hovered around 50 percent - have little to do with his stance.

"I don't care if the president was at 122 percent favorability right now," he said. "I think (candidates) should be in their districts," rather than spend time at the convention, which will be in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 3-6.

"A trip to Charlotte may be interesting," Israel said, "but why leave your districts?"

The Democratic convention, during which Obama will formally be nominated as the Democratic presidential choice, is viewed warily by some of the party's candidates.

The gathering to fete Obama is a particularly sensitive issue for Democratic candidates who are in close races in states or districts where Obama trails Republican Mitt Romney in voter surveys.

For such candidates, four days of mingling with Democratic leaders could turn off independent voters before the November 6 election.


Israel's admonition comes as a growing list of Democrats say they will not be joining their fellow partisans in Charlotte. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, one of the Democratic Party's most vulnerable candidates, will not attend, an aide said.

Romney was running several points behind Obama in recent polls in Missouri, where McCaskill has trailed her potential Republican opponents.

"McCaskill's decision obviously does not change the fact that she was one of Barack Obama's earliest and staunchest supporters," said Jonathon Prouty, a spokesman for the Missouri Republican Party.

Three Democratic lawmakers from West Virginia - where a federal inmate got 41 percent of the vote against Obama in the state's Democratic presidential primary in May - have said they also will pass on Charlotte: Senator Joe Manchin, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and U.S. Representative Nick Rahall.

Three other endangered Democrats in the U.S. House -Pennsylvania's Mark Critz, New York's Kathy Hochul and Bill Owens, also of New York - have said that they will stay away from Charlotte.

Those decisions have led some Republicans to crow that the Democrats facing difficult races are afraid to be seen near Obama.

In Montana, a state Romney is likely to win easily and where there is a competitive U.S. Senate race, Democratic Senator John Tester and his challenger, Republican Representative Denny Rehberg, will both skip their parties' conventions.

Taking back control of the House of Representatives from the Republicans is a daunting task for Israel and the Democrats. Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010, as conservatives from the Tea Party movement helped Republicans seize the House majority.

To win back the 435-member House, Democrats need a net gain of 25 seats."

Credibility like the plague.

6/27/2012 8:10:08 PM

All American
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looks like individual mandate is toast.

6/28/2012 10:08:37 AM

All American
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6/28/2012 10:12:45 AM

All American
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now theyre saying maybe...

what the fuck WOLF BLITZER.

6/28/2012 10:15:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Tom: The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government's power to terminate states' Medicaid funds is narrowly read."

[Edited on June 28, 2012 at 10:31 AM. Reason : ]

6/28/2012 10:31:27 AM

All American
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lets see how obama sells this new tax in an election year.

6/28/2012 10:37:37 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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lol...was there any possible outcome to which you wouldn't have been able to post it as a negative for Obama? Did you have a spreadsheet set up with all the different possible outcomes in column A and your response in column B?

6/28/2012 10:43:30 AM

All American
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6/28/2012 10:45:11 AM

All American
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not really.

regardless of outcomes i always have plenty negative to say about obama.

6/28/2012 10:46:53 AM

434 Posts
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I dont see how any reasonably intelligent person with any slight knowledge of the economy, business, budgets, etc. can be happy about this.

I also dont see how anyone who has any knowledge of the Constitution can be happy about this.

Health care definitely needs an overhaul, but this is not the way. Not forcing it through Congress in the 11th hour.

6/28/2012 10:51:40 AM

All American
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^^it's as if you hate the man for some reason, and no matter what he does or doesn't do, you're going to abhor the man and say negative stuff about him. it just seems like irrational hatred.

6/28/2012 10:54:47 AM

All American
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hatred for liars is irrational?


how popular do you think this piece of shit would have been if it had been advertised as a tax from the beginning? your decision today puts a massive TAX stamp on it that can no longer be debated.

romney is going to have a field day with this.

6/28/2012 10:59:56 AM

All American
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Quote :

6/28/2012 11:07:12 AM

All American
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I wasn't paying too much attention. How did they advertise this before? Call it a tax, a fee, or whatever how could anyone disguise the fact that they'd have to collect taxes revenues from people in order to pay for this.

Or were we just going to take another loan from China.

^Well that's what you do when you're running for president against an incumbent. Just draw attention to all the stuff the polls tell you that people hate about the current president and hope it's enough. I'm guessing that all of this will actually help Romney... and all he has to do is sit there and troll a bit.

[Edited on June 28, 2012 at 11:12 AM. Reason : -]

6/28/2012 11:10:05 AM

All American
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I know, but it's still funny

And I just looked at how much my premiums would be when this is in full swing....Damn, I'm going to save a shitload of money.

[Edited on June 28, 2012 at 11:16 AM. Reason : ]

6/28/2012 11:15:15 AM

All American
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how did you figure that?

6/28/2012 11:16:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"hatred for liars is irrational?"

you should realize by now that every politician is a liar. doyou hate them all? romney is a liar. there's countless examples of him lying. i don't get the feeling that you have as much irrational hatred for republicans that you do for democrats.

6/28/2012 11:22:26 AM

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