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All American
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^just go back and watch the first 5 or six seasons and then come up with an ending on your own. It will be better and more satisfying.

But i agree, seasons 1-6 and seasons 7-8 are two different shows. They reach and grab an item or two from the first 6 seasons to help with where they want to take the events...but they are basically different shows.

5/13/2019 9:18:17 AM

All American
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I have no doubt that this is the same basic story Martin will tell in the books, if he ever writes them, but he probably wishes he gave the showrunners more than just the "broad strokes". Arya kills the NK, Dany burns down KL, Cersei and Jaime die in each other's arms, and the Hound kills the Mountain. I'm guessing that's about the extent of what he told them and they were left to fill in the blanks themselves. The show was always at its best when it put pages from the book on screen scene for scene, and it's worst when they had to make it up themselves.

5/13/2019 9:51:31 AM

All American
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lol at how ineffective the scorpions became. Euron was able to hit a dragon from a mile away three times in like 20 seconds, but something like 40 scorpions couldn't hit one when the dragon was even closer?

And pretty much the entirety of last episode they were talking about how outnumbered Dany was and that she'd lose all of her army if they attacked. Turns out she didn't need an army at all. She pretty much single-handedly destroyed the city. Admittedly that is how the dragons should be portrayed at least, based upon the lore that has already been established, but I guess that mostly goes back to how easy Euron killed one in the last episode.

So what was the whole deal with the prophecy of the Lord of Light saving everyone? I guess that could be answered in the final episode but not looking likely.

They had the budget for all that crazy CGI dragon stuff happening in this episode but they couldn't afford to have Jon scratch Ghost between the ears on the way out of Winterfell?

Jaime and Cersei's death left so much more to be desired. Well mostly Cersei's. I was really hoping that when Qyburn came in to tell her that they needed to leave, he would have stabbed her then pulled off a mask to reveal it was Arya the whole time, then when the Mountain tries to kill her the Hound comes in and we get their showdown. Aside from killing Walder Frey, Arya hasn't done much stuff with wearing faces.

[Edited on May 13, 2019 at 9:56 AM. Reason : ]

5/13/2019 9:55:14 AM

All American
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-Watching Drogon burn down King's Landing and lay waste to the entire arm was visually fun and enjoyable.
-Qyburn's death was great, I chuckled aloud when it happened.
-Clegan Bowl was solid.
-I actually enjoyed the scene between Tyrion and Jaime.
-I thought Kit did a great job acting during the whole battle.
- Looking forward to Jon vs. Grey Worm.

- The Cersei death was terrible. Such a great character/antagonist and she goes down to falling rubble? Felt so empty.
- Everything about Arya in this episode. Her abandoning her multi-season journey so abruptly that close to her final goal. Her wandering the streets getting knocked down and saved by the mother/daughter that we all knew were going to die from the first time their faces were clearly shown. To the only thing in that entire area that survived the fire was Anya and the pale horse? I get the imagery(death/pale horse) but that scene just made NO sense.
- It sure was nice seeing 1 dragon absolutely demolish the biggest army left standing in a matter of minutes, it sure is a shame she didn't have 3 of those dragons...oh wait. It was a stupid cop out because it's clear that dragons are OP and having 2 or 3 dragons on the field was likely unstoppable. But just hate the way they killed them off. The Scoprions seemed like trivial threats this episode.

Going forward, is there anything left that can stand up to a dragon at this point? All scorpions seemed to be gone. No more white walker spears. No more dragons. Wonder if the writers will pull some magic something or other or special weapon that no one knew about out of their ass? Or maybe they'll pull some Night King shit where if Dany dies the dragon dies too?

5/13/2019 10:05:24 AM

All American
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Oh and also fuck Tyrion...he repays the man who saved his life by basically killing him for doing the right thing, arguably.

Has Tyrion made any smart moves over the last 2 seasons?

5/13/2019 10:17:12 AM

All American
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^To be fair, telling everyone that if they sound the bells that's them surrendering and that everyone should stop attacking and not destroy the city was a really logical/smart call.

Not his fault the leader of the unsullied and the mad queen both had bloodlust and were on a vendetta mission.

His advice would have saved thousands of lives and given them a chance to salvage the city and it's people.

Now she's just the "Mad Queen" that people are only going to follow out of fear of her dragon.

5/13/2019 10:30:32 AM

All American
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The writers completely ruined Tyrion and Jaime's stories (though I did like their final scene together). Jaime had this transformative redemption arc in the books and story, even making a comment defying Cersei that he is fighting for the living. It just really bothers me how he reverted back to loving her after several seasons of them growing apart.

5/13/2019 10:36:08 AM

All American
11993 Posts
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So Cersei and the Night King could have been defeated on a long weekend.

5/13/2019 10:46:23 AM

All American
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It is kinda strange they went from firing multiple simultaneous shots at the dragon to 1 at a time.

I get they couldn’t predict what direction she’d come from at first but seems like with all the positions they should have got at least a glancing hit

5/13/2019 11:14:59 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
"I have no doubt that this is the same basic story Martin will tell in the books, if he ever writes them, but he probably wishes he gave the showrunners more than just the "broad strokes". Arya kills the NK, Dany burns down KL, Cersei and Jaime die in each other's arms, and the Hound kills the Mountain. I'm guessing that's about the extent of what he told them and they were left to fill in the blanks themselves. The show was always at its best when it put pages from the book on screen scene for scene, and it's worst when they had to make it up themselves."

Mostly agree, since I know that they discussed the generalities of the outcome with him. Unless Martin just totally ran out of steam (which is possible given the lack of books), the way this story has resolved feels so out of line with anything I would have expected from him based on character arcs and plot lines built up in the books. It's not really the broad strokes that annoy me (dany burning kings landing was always on the table. arya killing a major character was always on the table. dragons dying was always on the table), but the way they were carried out or triggered has been blah.

Even for a story that I always thought may have a lot of open-ends, it's hard to see how they wrap this up in one more episode.

5/13/2019 11:33:14 AM

All American
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There is only one ending now.

Drogon sits upon the Iron Throne.

5/13/2019 11:42:57 AM

All American
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"We just need one lucky shot"

"The scorpions are all destroyed"

"We still have our fleet"

"The fleet is all destroyed."

"I still have this giant guy to protect me"


"Oh, well then, that is that. I'll go die in the rubble."


"I'm here to kill Cercie."

"No you shouldn't, you'll die. Things are crumbling. I know we came all this way knowing that would be the case."

"Ok, good point. I'll just change my life mission and instead go run around the streets and die instead."

"Good idea, good luck kid."

What the hell sorta exchanges were these for these characters? This season just feels more like a Micheal Bay summer popcorn flick, just take it for what it is, lots of burning and people dying and don't bother going beyond the surface. Shame because I think the appeal was there was some layers to the show, wasn't just a mindless knights and dragons movie that had been done a bunch before. And what the hell was the point of the 3-eye Raven and Bran? I keep waiting for something awesome to come from him, like a flock of Ravens he controls pecking out the eyes of someone.

Rather just go watch Willow.

5/13/2019 12:19:41 PM

Save TWW
4180 Posts
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Quote :
"It just really bothers me how he reverted back to loving her"

1. he never stopped loving her
2. it should bother you, we all want people to redeem themselves, but not everything is a happy ending for us (for jaime, he got his ideal death to die in the arms of the woman he loves in a bittersweet moment). Jaime's arc was not to redeem himself for his horrible acts, but to come to peace with himself as a person and determine what he really wants. If Jaime today was put back in the same situation with Bran in the tower, does he still push him (maybe, we know that he feels bad about it)? Would he still kill his cousin to get back to Cersei? Jaime knows he would do anything for Cersei, and he left relative peace with Brienne to almost certain death with Cersei because he loves Cersei.

5/13/2019 1:04:14 PM

11055 Posts
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Quote :
"To the only thing in that entire area that survived the fire was Anya and the pale horse?"

Not that this negates your point but could pass for logic. It looked like she got around the corner to an alleyway and avoided the brunt of the fire. Although, to your point, it did look like on screen the fire went down the alley too. The horse could have come from somewhere else after Drogon came through. Some time passed before Arya saw the horse.

Some thoughts on Drogon avoiding the scorpions: Maybe Dany learned from the last encounter that she should maneuver quicker and more strategically. She knew to expect them mounted on the ships this go around. This time she hid behind the clouds and dropped in from up above and they had to adjust to shoot upward. Then later she dropped low and they had to adjust again. Maybe she got on TWW and read about proper dragon tactics after episode 3? I still agree this is more like what should have happened the first go around. Would have been better if they would have been able to take out some ships and Euron getting lucky after multiple attempts.

I enjoyed the episode despite the shortcomings outlined here. Thought the scenes were very well done.

5/13/2019 1:51:06 PM

All American
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It bothers me, the ease with which the scorpions were destroyed. You could say that maybe she learned their tactics the first time she and her dragons were attacked, but she basically did the same thing again - fly straight at them.

And the wall-mounted scorpions never swiveled around to aim at the dragon? Every time they showed one it seemed to be facing forward. More lazy writing.

Jon kills Dany, gives the Iron Throne to Sansa, he's the hand, Arya is the leader of the new Kings Guard, and Sansa is still married to Tyrion, she loves him now. End of story.

[Edited on May 13, 2019 at 1:53 PM. Reason : asdja;ls]

5/13/2019 1:52:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Jon Arya kills Dany using Jon's face."

5/13/2019 2:05:10 PM

All American
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At this point I think it's more likely that Westeros reverts to a number of independent kingdoms than a single house ruling the whole continent (save Dorne). Dany has proven herself unfit and no one else really wants it.

5/13/2019 2:11:08 PM

All American
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I think Jon is either going to die or go back north after killing Dany. Still wondering how the Sansa or Bran storylines tie in and wrap up, but my gut is telling me one of them will be on whatever is left of the iron throne at the end

5/13/2019 2:14:56 PM

Sink the Flagship
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I'm pretty disappointed with this season.

- Varys, the elusive/secretive spymaster just spills his treasonous intentions all over and gets executed without so much of a word of protest by Jon.

- The build up to the battle was basically nil. Now we're talking, now we're destroying.

- Dany flies her fighter jet dragon right into dozens of Scorpions and effortlessly destroys them and Euron's entire fleet.

- The fight scene between Jon and Euron was ridiculous. I guess he just swam hundreds of yards, fully clothed, and then stabs Jame through his torso, side to side, twice. Jame waltzes over and just casually kills him, walks off right into the Red Keep and ultimately finds the most valuable/protected person in the city.

- Qyburn death was just lolwtf

- We get Cleganebowl on the cliff/staircase and a tumble into the flames, how poetic. The greenscreening here was terrible. Super.

- Meanwhile, Cercei just tiptoes by the fucking Hound like

- Then the ultimate villain in the show dies in a crumbling dungeon?

The things that I did like were the war crimes being committed by everyone involved and the reactions. There basically are no good guys in this story, or in war. I don't mind Arya riding off into the sunset - there are hints of this in the books/show that she basically just goes off to explore the world. Maybe she goes to Gendry after all?

I also kinda liked that the Jamie arc we all expected didn't happen. It makes it a more interesting/believeable character. He was just hopelessly in love with a woman that essentially abused him and everyone around her.

5/13/2019 2:20:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And the wall-mounted scorpions never swiveled around to aim at the dragon? Every time they showed one it seemed to be facing forward. More lazy writing."

I wouldn't call that lazy writing, I'd call that lazy CGI. The only scorpions we saw actually move and aim were on the ships and even then, the speed at which they moved made it pretty clear they weren't going to be very effective without an orchestrated offensive with them all firing in unison.

Think it's pretty reasonable that the scorpions on the top of the wall remained stationary for most of the battle, I imagine after watching the entire fleet be destroyed and see the destruction of the first pass or two of Drogon, that most would just flee their post. I mean Drogon was just getting started and the entire Lannister army was ready to surrender, they did exactly as Tyrion suggested. The army followed their queen out of fear instead of loyalty and that they would give up rather than die.

5/13/2019 2:21:33 PM

All American
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Realistically, the scorpions would have never worked. The fact that they worked in a few previous episodes is all that pissed me off. What happened last night seemed to make sense. Still, it seemed very reckless of Dany to use the dragon to kill soldiers on the ground (not a threat to her) before destroying ALL the scorpions. Seemed like she was just begging to actually get picked off this time around, which seems so contradictory.


Also what proof do we have that Arya is the lone survivor from Kings Landing? I didn't get that impression at all; just assumed they were just showing us her, not everyone else. (why bother?)

5/13/2019 2:34:46 PM

All American
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Apparently Varys tried to poison Dany through the help of the little kitchen girl. I missed that detail at first.

5/13/2019 2:44:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Also what proof do we have that Arya is the lone survivor from Kings Landing? I didn't get that impression at all; just assumed they were just showing us her, not everyone else."

I wasn't saying Arya was the only survivor of KL, I was saying from that entire alley that EVERY one near her died and was charred. I mean there appeared to be dead bodies really close to her and the fire was clearly going down alleys and turning corners. When she got up and was stumbling about before finding the horse, there was nothing alive in sight. Sure maybe she was unconscious for some period of time but the scene was just incredibly odd and hard to buy. Not only that she survived and no one else appeared to, but the horse not only survived but survived and didn't flee.

Scene makes no sense, but it's why you have people claiming the pale horse is sent from the Lord of Light or is Bran warging. Just grasping at straws trying to make it seem "OK" haha.

5/13/2019 2:52:26 PM

Save TWW
37118 Posts
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Quote :
"The greenscreening here was terrible"

Greenscreen was pretty bad a number of times. Like when grey worm killed Strickland

5/13/2019 6:40:49 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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Damn this season went off the rails. First two episodes were good and now it's just garbage.

Tyrion has been so dumb for the past few seasons I can't believe he's still alive and in a position of authority.

Harrenhall was supposedly melted by dragonfire. How did that happen when dragonfire is basically a Cyclops style optic blast that explodes everything it touches, including structures that are 100 tons of rock? I mean when it hits the ground it should be making craters instead of the scorched grass we have seen so far.

Dany has shown glimpses of being the mad queen, and if they wanted to write that then they could have done it convincingly. Instead they have Dany's army basically ignore and destroy all the threats that they have built up as important over the past few seasons with zero effort (Scorpions, Golden Compay, Iron Fleet, Lannister forces willing to fight to the last, etc). Then, in her moment of triumph during her flawless victory, THAT's when she snaps?

Like if she wanted vengeance when the bells were sounding, she should have flown her dragon straight to the red keep and destroyed it, not spend 45 minutes burning the town while ignoring the person you actually want vengeance on.

5/14/2019 12:20:09 AM

All American
6883 Posts
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Quote :
Oh and also fuck Tyrion...he repays the man who saved his life by basically killing him for doing the right thing, arguably."

I think that made sense. He still felt like Dany was good and that was the last thing to make him think she was off the rails. Now he can tell Jon, kill auntie and go live in Bel-Air.

5/14/2019 12:52:50 AM

All American
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Yeah the dragon fire blowing up stone and rock is a bit puzzling/annoying. That would imply that dragon fire has a lot of mass...which defies any reasonable attempt at conforming to basic physics. Extra annoying because Drogon's reign of destruction would be just as effective were it "conventional" fire.

5/14/2019 8:36:15 AM

Save TWW
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I know i went on a many rant about "rules" but I don't care too much about the dragon fire acting like artillery, they're trying to get better action shots. It doesn't make a ton of sense but also has not much effect on the plot.

Also, the wight dragon already established explosive fire.

5/14/2019 8:40:34 AM

26632 Posts
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it makes more sense for ice though

5/14/2019 9:59:28 AM

All American
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5/14/2019 10:27:08 AM

Save TWW
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I guess. The video effect still made it look more like it was being hit by explosives rather than fire.

5/14/2019 11:03:45 AM

All American
11993 Posts
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I just hope Jon has to kill Drogon so that scene standing up to Viserion would make a bit of sense.

5/14/2019 12:53:18 PM

All American
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The show already established fire can have different properties in previous episodes. Also lots of materials explode when you hear them rapidly enough... it doesn’t bother me at all the dragon fire can have different effects. It’s not just a big flamethrower really

5/14/2019 4:11:40 PM

All American
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Even if we assume Dany has suddenly become the mad king 2.0, Aerys Targaryan attempted to destroy KL because the enemies were at the gates, his support was crumbling, and he was hours away from losing his city. He was going to destroy the city instead of letting his enemies take it from him.

He didn’t wait until the Baratheon rebellion forces were completely defeated and he had an unconditional surrender, then suddenly destroy the city for no fucking reason.

5/14/2019 9:24:59 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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agreed. i dont necessarily have major issues with where storylines have ended up, rather how we are getting to them. It's either bad writing, a rush to finish the show this season, or both. Dany raining fire down on KL was always on the table, but how they played it out was so frustratingly bad.

5/14/2019 10:19:06 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Yep. This was not a character arc, it was a character 90 degree angle. It just doesn't feel right, and to me it makes Dany seem less Mad King, and more pissy person who doesn't get her way.

5/15/2019 7:25:48 AM

All American
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^lol, even though she actually did get her way before going nuts.

5/15/2019 9:10:40 AM

All American
1843 Posts
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So the whole battle Dany's force only suffer 1 casualty? The rapist killed by Jon?

5/15/2019 11:58:49 AM

All American
12428 Posts
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^better that happen than for her entire force get decimated but come back an episode later and tell me half of them are still alive and battle ready

5/16/2019 9:51:04 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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Change we can believe in

5/16/2019 11:43:39 AM

All American
1843 Posts
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^ that is cringy.

[Edited on May 17, 2019 at 11:11 AM. Reason : if not stupid. ]

5/17/2019 11:10:43 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Eh, it's a joke but entirely relatable.

5/17/2019 11:24:13 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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If Jorah had made it to Episode 5

5/18/2019 12:27:37 AM

All American
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Our complaining about this season will be over.

5/19/2019 8:11:49 PM

All American
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Lol at this stupid shit...worst episode of the series is the last one

5/19/2019 9:59:50 PM

Save TWW
37118 Posts
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Why does the nights watch still even exist??

It was fine. I guess.

[Edited on May 19, 2019 at 10:21 PM. Reason : E]

5/19/2019 10:20:26 PM

26632 Posts
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Lol, so fucking stupid

5/19/2019 10:22:48 PM

All American
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The worst fucking part is that electing Bran as king is the exact copout they needed to rush this season and not have to explain shit. As bran said, "you were right where you needed to be". Lol...fuckin horseshit, jesus christ

5/19/2019 10:26:10 PM

Save TWW
37118 Posts
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It's mad libs

Just fill in a name and an adjective

5/19/2019 10:26:53 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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All that effort put into the mystery of Jon’s would this story have been materially different had he actually just been Ned Stark’s bastard?

5/19/2019 11:24:43 PM

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