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that was quick

2/23/2006 1:53:02 PM

All American
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i liked the page designer. i'm growing used to ajax now - i hate things that take long to load haha, but i've never liked these kind of editors for webpages. they have their market though.

anyways, something else:

Quote :
"hris Pirillo is trying to keep himself to a strict no-Google diet for one week, and he's finding it more difficult than he thought, and he's only on day one!

Chris says Yahoo just doesn't measure up to Google as much as he expected. Once you've used internet search engines enough times, there is a certain order of results you come to expect. Even on searches you've never run before, the results can be different enough from the normal standard to stand out. Chris says, "the other search engines I try are not even in the same ballpark - let alone, the same league".

Chris says he's trying to prove just how badly he needs Google. If he's sweating and hyperventalating while spinning around naked and chanting about PageRank at the end of the week, I think we'll all know. "

2/24/2006 2:40:32 AM

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Quote :
"Google Finance Launching?

Google Finance Launching?

Over the past three or four hours Search Engine Journal has noticed some interesting referrals from

After visitng the referring URL, I saw that the live Google 404 “The requested URL /finance was not found on this server.” Error which usually leads to a hint that Google is launching a new service.

Thinking that this just may be a fluke in my referrals, I dug a bit deeper to find that SEJ has had multiple referrals from the page, all for queries of “GOOG”, Google’s stock symbol.

Referral URL search strings :

Futhermore, all of these referrals lead to the most recent news stories on Google which we have published over the past week. The Google Finance channel or complementary search listings must be highlighting either blog or news stories related to stock ticker symbols. I’m also guessing that Google Finance Groups threads and possibly even Adwords or Google Local Maps may be included.

Adding more to my theory that Google is soon launching their Finance Channel or Google Finance, the referrals come from computers tracked back to, IP addresses, & (UK?) which seem to all be Google related in some form.

Given what I’ve found this morning, I’ll go out on a limb and say that Google Finance is about to launch or is going through some heavy testing.

There were some rumors about Google Finance launching last Summer as a competitor to Yahoo’s Finance channels and other ‘portal’ offerings. One of the rumors, reported by the Mercury News, was also that Google was “in talks with data vendor Revere Data, a San Francisco company — which will provide the data and analytics on U.S. public companies for the service.”

2/24/2006 10:38:12 AM

All American
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I did not not that goole offers webpage hosting. Sorry if this has already been posted.

2/25/2006 8:06:56 AM

All American
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yeha, it was 3rd to last post on the last page. They just started it a few days ago, and as of 1 day after they opened it, they closed it claiming "unexpectedly high interest" or some such bullshit. But maybe it's back open.....

Lot's of wondering going on why they need this and blogger, and why not just integrate them or give Blogger more features like the ability to create "Pages" a' la Wordpress and categories. Not to mention, BLogger could be much improved with a nicer AJAXy interface. Or put these together, add a few more features, and you have a rudimentary CMS.
At the least, it's a place to store up to 100MB of whatever files you want.

2/25/2006 11:00:39 AM

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here's a response to the Google Pagemaker.
I'm sure it's a hack, but it sure looks like a genuine Google product

and some examples

I think that's in response to a leaked rant that Sergey went on a couple weeks ago, apparently yelling at hundreds of engineers telling them they could no longer work on individiual "20% projects", which are of course the projects that googler's have to spend 20% of their time on and have led to products like Google News, Video, Movies, and Pages. Rumor is Schmit was none too happy with the Video release and is trying to reign the company back in.

2/25/2006 12:18:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This parody of Google Page Creator by Tony Ruscoe is unrelated to the real Google."

2/25/2006 12:29:01 PM

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Quote :
"Germany Calls for Google to Pay for Internet Infrastructure

Posted Feb 24th 2006 9:54PM by Chris Gilmer
A chief executive in Germany called for web companies like Google to help pay for the billions of dollars required to build and maintain a high-speed internet infrastructure. He stated that customers should not be the only ones who pay for the rapidly expanding technology world, and that businesses that use it should pay up.

He warned that if nobody pays, there won’t be any high-speed data highways. Telecommunications companies are spending a fortune to build and maintain high-speed data highways, and Google and other web companies are "riding the wave with cheap servers."

Vint Cerf spoke out recently to warn that the Internet's freedom could be compromised, and consumer choice and innovation limited if protections aren't put in place to keep the Internet free and neutral."

fuckin absurd.

go regulate this shit, agentlion.

2/25/2006 1:31:40 PM

All American
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i'm on it man.

well, right after the Fasching this week (i.e. German Mardi Gras - I'll look into getting ahold of Frau Kanzler Merkel and straighten this shit out.

2/25/2006 1:35:57 PM

All American
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looks like video AdSense ads may be coming

thankfully they don't start automatically - they work like Google Video where you have to start them manually.
The screenshot just goes to Flikr and i couldnt find any ads on The Superficial where it said they found it....

2/26/2006 4:08:48 PM

All American
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i <3 greasemonkey

kills adsense silly.
Google CL2 calendar

2/26/2006 7:32:48 PM

All American
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social bookmarking coming soon

2/27/2006 12:48:34 PM

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details about Google payments - to compete with PayPal

2/27/2006 1:06:02 PM

All American
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great, now thanks to google (and sony) people can blog incessantly from their phones

2/28/2006 12:09:24 PM

All American
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Get RSS feeds from gmail labels - really nice

3/1/2006 7:28:17 PM

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The Google Drive, with "infinite storage" will allow users to store "100% of their data" online, accessible from anywhere.

GooOS, Google Grid, call it what you will. And privacy advocates be damned - it's coming whether you like it or not

3/7/2006 4:20:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"great, now thanks to google (and sony) people can blog incessantly from their phones"

shits old son

blogger (google subsidy) has had that feature for at least a year or more now

moblogging was old before "blog" was a buzzword

3/7/2006 4:23:51 PM

All American
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leaked screenshots and details from the upcoming Google Calendar, CL2, which is in private beta -

thankfully it looks to be tightly integrated with Gmail, unlike other products like Google Reader

3/8/2006 4:55:01 AM

All American
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nice - it looks to have a lot of the same features as 30boxes

3/8/2006 5:00:35 AM

All American
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Google just bought Writely -
An AJAX online word processor.
Not much more commentary to add except this is obviously a step towards Google Office or GooOS or whatever is coming

3/9/2006 5:58:40 PM

All American
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Damn, I swear it seems Google has bought every one of their "innovations"... they make Microsoft look like revolutionary thinkers.

3/9/2006 9:42:50 PM

All American
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3/10/2006 4:00:53 PM

All American
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The "Google Marketplace" is expanding
They will soon start selling full, unrestricted online access to books (obviously opt-in, not like the Book Search)

and the payment system is coming along nicely

3/13/2006 5:35:55 AM

All American
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Google seems to have a fascination with Space and planets and stuff - see Google Moon - - and their partnership with NASA to build a research facility

But today they have Google Mars too -
I don't have anything useful to look at on Mars, but at the least it looks cool, and they have lots of markers for spacecraft and terrain
And according to the FAQ, they plan on making it available on Google Earth as well -
How cool would it be to have the whole Solar System available on Google Earth where you could zoom around and see all the planets in 3D, going in and out of Saturn's Rings, looking at Jupiter's Red Spot, finding the Monolith on Saturn's moon Iapetus

3/13/2006 7:26:20 AM

All American
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I was actually kind of joking when i mentioned a Google maps/Earth of the Solar System, but it looks like it's actually coming.

See here for a list of domain names Google owns that hints at what's coming

Quote :
GoogleMercury .com .net .org .info
GoogleVenus .com .net .org .info
GoogleEarth .com .net .org .info (already released of course)
GoogleMars .net .org .info (.com currently owned by another party)
GoogleJupiter .com .net. org . info
GoogleSaturn .com .net .org .info
GoogleUranus .com .net .org .info
GoogleNeptune .com .net .org .info
GooglePluto .com .net .org .info

Possible Project Names:
GoogleGalaxy .com .net .org .info
GoogleGalactic .com .net .org .info
GoogleUniverse .net .org .info (.com currently owned by another party)
GoogleSatellite .com .net .org .info (created earlier on 4/08/05)
GoogleSolarSystem .com .net .org .info"

3/13/2006 10:00:39 AM

All American
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I was actually kind of joking when i mentioned a Google maps/Earth of the Solar System, but it looks like it's actually coming.

See here for a list of domain names Google owns that hints at what's coming

Quote :
GoogleMercury .com .net .org .info
GoogleVenus .com .net .org .info
GoogleEarth .com .net .org .info (already released of course)
GoogleMars .net .org .info (.com currently owned by another party)
GoogleJupiter .com .net. org . info
GoogleSaturn .com .net .org .info
GoogleUranus .com .net .org .info
GoogleNeptune .com .net .org .info
GooglePluto .com .net .org .info

Possible Project Names:
GoogleGalaxy .com .net .org .info
GoogleGalactic .com .net .org .info
GoogleUniverse .net .org .info (.com currently owned by another party)
GoogleSatellite .com .net .org .info (created earlier on 4/08/05)
GoogleSolarSystem .com .net .org .info"

3/13/2006 10:02:26 AM

All American
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I just discovered the Google Mars by the main logo today.

I was able to look up the face on Mars by simply searching for "Face".

3/13/2006 7:14:00 PM

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guess who's back

3/13/2006 10:30:22 PM

All American
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For those of you who liked the "Google Redux" re-design experiment -
(i did a lot) - you can install a greasemonkey script to get the exact same effect on the front page.

3/14/2006 11:14:58 AM

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another acquisition - Google bought @last Software today, makers of , a 3d sketch/modeling system.
Licenses for SketchUp are normally $495, but who wants to bet that there will be at least an introductory version for free within a couple months.

Most interesting is the existing capability to add SketchUp models to Google Earth. Check out the ones they provide:
Statue of Liberty -
Google HQ -

If/when sketchup goes free (Google Sketch, Google Model?) there will be thousands of full color and scale models that you will be able to plug into GE.

3/14/2006 12:50:37 PM

All American
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here's some more Sketchup Google Earth examples

3/14/2006 2:59:06 PM

All American
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hmm, this could turn into its own thread - i think the old Google Earth thread is dead.
But here's some awesome 3D models for Google Earth -

3/14/2006 6:06:01 PM

All American
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that redux script is nice - i wish it could still use google's autocomplete though

3/14/2006 6:32:37 PM

All American
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Desktop 3 is out of beta
Looks like "Quick search" is a new feature, where at anytime you can press Ctrl+Ctrl and a small search box will popup.

3/15/2006 4:18:48 AM

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So that's kind of like how you can press Windows-F and search for files by type, modified/created date, contents, name, extension, etc?

Very innovative.

3/15/2006 5:18:22 AM

All American
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you know that Windows Search is nowhere near as fast or unobtrusive as GD. Not to mention, the GD search is "live, as you type"

And there's no point in playing the "OMG THEY STOLE THAT FEATURE" game. Nobody said Quick Search was a new or particularly innovative invention. It's just a small feature of a much larger product.

3/15/2006 6:42:56 AM

All American
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Google is watching.

3/15/2006 9:21:58 AM

All American
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3/21/2006 1:52:17 AM

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nice - Finance is the first product/service they've launched in a while that i'm happy with right from the start. be sure to fool around with it to see all the interactive Flash and AJAX elements. The dynamic stock chart with the sliders and news bullets is really nice. Also notice that mousing over "related articles" on the news section brings up a nice AJAX popup with more links. There is also a cool mouse-over effect in the Management section to bring you info about all those people.

You can add "Portfolio" to yet another service tied to your Google Account. It seems pretty minimalistic right now - i would like to see more features, importing, better input options, etc - otherwise i'll just continue to use etrade or something to actually track my portfolio performance, especially if you can't actually buy/sell through Google Finance.

Missing in the stock charts are: logorithmic scaling, percentage scale option instead of absolute $, and stock-to-stock (or index) comparisons. Even without those, it's still much more usable than Yahoo or others.

3/21/2006 5:09:32 AM

All American
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3/21/2006 7:05:04 AM

All American
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Sounds like Zawodny is pretty bitter that Yahoo Finance has been more or less stagnant for years, and now Google Finance has come out with a version that is much better than Yahoo's, although the "new" features are definitely not hard to implement and have been on Yahoo's to-do list for a couple years at least.

it's a pretty bold post on Jeremy's part that is pointing fingers directly at people at Yahoo (his employer), possibly some of them his superiors.

[Edited on March 23, 2006 at 9:53 AM. Reason : .]

3/23/2006 9:51:57 AM

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yeah, i was a little shocked that he would be so blunt about it. interesting tidbit though

3/23/2006 10:14:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"So that's kind of like how you can press Windows-F and search for files by type, modified/created date, contents, name, extension, etc?

Very innovative."

who cares if it's innovative - it's BETTER.

I don't have to see an annoying little puppy and hit a radio button describing wtf I'm looking for not to mention preliminary search results appear as I type allowing me to stop the query when I choose.

Oh yeah did I metnion that results are almost immediate AND integrate into google web search? Oh and you can talk about cisvc all you want but we all know how much it sucks.

3/23/2006 10:15:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Gmail for domain.tld beta tester invitation
Welcome to our beta test!

Thanks for helping us test Gmail for your domain! We're excited to help you offer Gmail accounts with your domain.

Here's how to get started:

* First, click the link below. Log in with the same Google Account you used to volunteer to become a beta tester.

* Next, we'll guide you through a series of steps to register your domain for this service.
* We'll then ask you to create a new administrative account for your domain. Most people choose something like
* You can then log in to the control panel ( ) with your administrative account. Within the control panel, you can create new users, modify or suspend accounts, create aliases and lists, and customize the look and feel of Gmail for You can even upload whole lists of new users with the bulk upload feature, and assign administrative rights to multiple accounts.
* Finally, you'll need to configure your DNS MX records to work with Gmail. Once you log in to the control panel, you'll see detailed instructions on how to complete this step. If you get stuck, you can access our help center.

Thanks again for helping us out,

The Gmail Team"

yay! will let you know how it goes...

3/23/2006 11:09:55 AM

All American
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nice - do you actually have a legitimate domain that lots of people use, or are you doing this for your personal domain?

3/23/2006 11:19:55 AM

All American
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personal right now - i don't wanna put any legitimate domains on gmail yet. it's still beta, after all, and there have been enough incident reports of fuck-ups

3/23/2006 11:32:57 AM

All American
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more CL2 screenshots:

3/23/2006 3:21:29 PM

All American
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sweet - looks great. Glad to see it's going to be so similar to Gmail - now of they could only start over on GReader to do the same

3/23/2006 3:29:27 PM

All American
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i could get used to this hosted gmail if they worked on its features some more - probably 3.5/5 stars

the free plan is limited to 10 accounts but it's cool for a personal domain rather than forwarding to gmail from my server, which is what i do right now to keep a backup of received mail.

they need more features like a mailing list setup, for starters

they have an import using CSV to make things simple for people to switch over

and their appearance customization doesn't seem to work - you're supposed to be able to use your logo and own colors but submitting that page just goes to a blank white page and nothing changes on the actual sign-in page.

3/24/2006 9:45:15 AM

All American
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but otherwise, it has all the regular features of gmail, right?

3/24/2006 9:56:57 AM

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