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 Message Boards » » Selling car on craigslist..this shit cracks me up Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"What's the least you would take for it?"

When people ask me that I just delete their email.

Anybody else get questions like that on craigslist?

Are people really that dumb? Or do they just think everyone else is that dumb?

12/22/2008 9:36:08 AM

22518 Posts
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people are really that dumb

12/22/2008 9:37:45 AM

All American
52661 Posts
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i lowball the hell out of, ridiculous lowballs. every now and then, they bite, and that's when I buy.

but yeah, asking "what's your best price" is retarded.

12/22/2008 9:39:47 AM

All American
8972 Posts
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It's better than them asking "What's the MOST you would take for it?"

I believe that'd be a truly dumb statement.

12/22/2008 9:39:54 AM

All American
8112 Posts
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I sold my wife's car on there about a year ago.

I got offers to set up payments all the time for it. One guy low-balled the hell out of me.

12/22/2008 9:57:28 AM

All American
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I'll lowball people by 20% or more sometimes. Sometimes it works. I don't care, the worst you can say is "no". You might get all butthurt about it, but that doesn't hurt me.

12/22/2008 9:59:18 AM

All American
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I agree, that's basically how I've bought 2 motorcycles from Craigslist. I made an offer BELOW what I'd call a lowball, and they bit. Then you just have to figure out WHY they accepted the lowball...gotta check that junk out y0.

12/22/2008 10:00:46 AM

All American
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I always priced my cars too low I guess, 3 times I put different cars up, all 3 times some dirt lot dealer picked em up within a couple of hours. They didn't even haggle on price.

12/22/2008 10:03:26 AM

All American
47902 Posts
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im with duke.. i lowball a lot. worse they can say is no.

the idiots are the ones who dont counteroffer.

i had a few folks that i offered to buy their stuff (motors and parts and whatnot) for couple hundred below what they were asking. then said "thanks and goodluck finding another ___________."... i mean, do you want to make a sale? throw me a counter or something.


but yeah, i never ask what the least is. ill probably ask a "range" then throw them an offer.

12/22/2008 10:04:44 AM

All American
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I've bought stuff for some flat-out ridiculous prices. I've even bought a couple cars from dealers for really, really cheap (330ci for $16k...sold it 3 months later for $19k. Bought my almost-new Evo IX w/ sun/sound/leather/HID from a dealer for $26k. Sold it a year and a half later for $26.5k)

12/22/2008 10:05:35 AM

All American
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i bought this dodge raider SUV from this guy for $250, put a total of $50 into it and now it runs and drives damn good for a $300 suv (and its been about 2 months). Really clean interior and decent exterior. was suppose to be a beach vehicle, but my bro drives it.

6 months ago i offered him a $600 lowball. he was hesitant and declined saying he could fix it and sell it for more. well, time caught up with him and it was a sunday, he had to get the car moved by the next day or it was getting towed. i offered him $200, he said $250 and come get it.

he was trying to get at least a grand for it... got greedy.. and ended up losing it.

'specially now, people are getting desperate. money (cash) talks. i dont know though, i talk to a lot of people and they never try to haggle, i sold a jet ski hull/blown motor for $400, i paid probably $25 or less for it. i guess the guy REALLY needed it.

I sold a scooter for $350 that i paid $75 for it.

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 10:11 AM. Reason : ]

12/22/2008 10:10:52 AM

All American
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12/22/2008 10:49:30 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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I don't usually care if people ask "what's your best price." When I sell a car I have an asking price and a price that I'll actually let it go. If someone wants to bring me my "let it go" price then I'm cool with it. Of course, my "best price" isn't $2k less than my asking price so most of those people aren't my target market.

What get's me is when I list something for $15k, tell someone my best price is $14.5k, and then they offer $13.5k. I have sent plenty of e-mails saying "what part of "best price" don't you understand?"

12/22/2008 11:18:37 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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I was talking to a car dealership when I was looking for my G8 and the guy gave me a price and I lowballed him and his response was, "sorry if we sold cars that cheap we would not be in business anymore." That's it. No counter or anything. And he was a car dealer!

I sent him a response asking him if he seriously was a car dealership that wouldn't even counter offer and to let me know when the economy hurts him enough to where he has to lower his price. I don't think he liked that too much

12/22/2008 5:40:53 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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In all fairness, he probably wouldn't want to start negotiations by email... Can't blame him. If he gives you a price you would likely just show that quote to another Pontiac dealer and they'd beat it by $200 or whatever. Plus, his manager isn't gonna want to spend time to work out a deal with someone through email, and the sales guy would get his ass chewed if he quoted you anything.

12/22/2008 6:13:37 PM

All American
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12/22/2008 6:32:35 PM

All American
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Yeah, I worked finance. If some sales guy came up to me and asked me to quote some internet lead, I'd politely say "Get the fuck out on the lot and go talk to them coloreds that just pulled in"

12/22/2008 6:45:57 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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Quote :
"i lowball the hell out of, ridiculous lowballs."

lol, thats how i got my jeep off TWW

i wonder if that thread got purged

12/22/2008 7:28:57 PM

49741 Posts
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Quote :
"NINJA HAULER: 2005 Nissan Xterra - $12900 (Ronan / Lake County)

OK, let me start off by saying this Xterra is only available for purchase by the manliest of men (or women). My friend, if it was possible for a vehicle to sprout chest hair and a five o'clock shadow, this Nissan would look like Tom Selleck. It is just that manly.

It was never intended to drive to the mall so you can pick up that adorable shirt at Abercrombie & Fitch that you had your eye on. It wasn't meant to transport you to yoga class or Linens & Things. No, that's what your Prius is for. If that's the kind of car you're looking for, then just do us all a favor and stop reading right now. I mean it. Just stop.

This car was engineered by 3rd degree ninja super-warriors in the highest mountains of Japan to serve the needs of the man that cheats death on a daily basis. They didn't even consider superfluous nancy boy amenities like navigation systems (real men don't get lost), heated leather seats (a real man doesn't let anything warm his butt), or On Star (real men don't even know what the hell On Star is).

No, this brute comes with the things us testosterone-fueled super action junkies need. It has a 265 HP engine to outrun the cops. It's got special blood/gore resistant upholstery. It even has a first-aid kit in the back. You know what the first aid kit has in it? A pint of whiskey, a stitch-your-own-wound kit and a hunk of leather to bite down on when you're operating on yourself. The Xterra also has an automatic transmission so if you're being chased by Libyan terrorists, you'll still be able to shoot your machine gun out the window and drive at the same time. It's saved my bacon more than once.

It has room for you and the four hotties you picked up on the way to the gym to blast your pecs and hammer your glutes. There's a tow hitch to pull your 50 caliber anti-Taliban, self cooling machine gun. I also just put in a new windshield to replace the one that got shot out by The Man.

My price on this bad boy is an incredibly low $12,900, but I'll entertain reasonable offers. And by reasonable, I mean don't walk up and tell me you'll give me $5,000 for it. That's liable to earn you a Burmese-roundhouse-sphincter-kick with a follow up three fingered eye-jab. Would it hurt? Hell yeah. Let's just say you won't be the prettiest guy at the Coldplay concert anymore.

There's only 69,000 miles on this four-wheeled hellcat from Planet Kickass. Trust me, it will outlive you and the offspring that will carry your name. It will live on as a monument to your machismo.

Now, go look in the mirror and tell me what you see. If it's a rugged, no holds barred, super brute he-man macho Chuck Norris stunt double, then contact me. I might be out hang-gliding or BASE jumping or just chilling with my ladies, but I'll get back to you. And when I do, we'll talk about a price over a nice glass of Schmidt while we listen to Johnny Cash.

To sweeten the deal a little, I'm throwing in this pair of MC Hammer pants for the man with rippling quads that can't fit into regular pants. Yeah, you heard me. FREE MC Hammer pants.

Rock on.

12/22/2008 8:31:47 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"In all fairness, he probably wouldn't want to start negotiations by email... Can't blame him. If he gives you a price you would likely just show that quote to another Pontiac dealer and they'd beat it by $200 or whatever. Plus, his manager isn't gonna want to spend time to work out a deal with someone through email, and the sales guy would get his ass chewed if he quoted you anything."

I guess in normal times that would make perfect sense but with the market the way it is right now I highly doubt that there was a whole lot of work for the finance guy to be doing and if he didn't want to send it via email all he had to do was give me a call. The dealership was a good 50 miles away so I wasn't going to take the trip down there just to talk to a guy face to face, if he really wanted to make a deal he should have made a little better effort imo. Just seemed a bit odd for a car dealer not to try at all to negotiate especially when they have to be hurting right now.

12/23/2008 12:22:01 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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i think my favorite was the guy who called my dad and asked if the harley my dad was selling could be financed. my dad was like "why don't you ask your fucking bank?"

12/23/2008 12:42:00 AM

All American
9963 Posts
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^^Very true... I suppose I am a little off as I haven't done anything in the biz in over 3 years. However, no matter what price I ever gave someone over the internet, I could always do better in person. I had a commitment sitting right in front of me, I had ran credit, and kept you captive for a couple hours.

If you wanted to change the deal, you probably could. You want a couple more free services? A shiny license frame? A full-size spare? Winter mats? You aren't going to leave when you're sitting down with a good sales or finance guy. They'll make the BEST deal face to face.

12/23/2008 11:05:48 AM

22518 Posts
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no being able to leave is for the weak willed

it is very easy to get up from the table

12/23/2008 11:08:45 AM

All American
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Not after credit has been ran, deal has been cut... What are you going to do if you really want the car... walk away? I wouldn't copy a deal and let them walk out to show another dealer (new car). I might write it on a blank piece of paper. That's the thing with Intarnet price quotes - they can be printed off and all. Good luck at the other dealer too - the underwriter will see your credit was just ran and may raise the rate.

Thinking back, I fucking loved selling cars and making deals. It's too bad it's such a shitty industry with shady managers and shitty hours. I hope to make enough money some day to buy my own and hire big titted skanks to sell 20 a month.

12/23/2008 12:58:10 PM

All American
522 Posts
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Ridiculous lowballs I just delete. People asking if I will finance I just delete. The bank won't finance them for a reason and I am not in the banking business.

For the people just moderately lowballing (which I expect) I give them a best price and terms. First come first serve, cash or wire transfer, I don't 'hold' things for sale, tell them to call me on the day they are ready to meet to check it out and be prepared to head to the bank for the title if they want it.

I feel sorry for some novice Craigslist sellers that put up with BS though. A guy I worked with dragged what should have been a simple sale out to almost a month. He had just moved into town and started his first real job after graduating... kept running into financing BS because of short credit history.

12/26/2008 9:28:20 PM

All American
16852 Posts
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12/26/2008 10:01:21 PM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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shit has changed since you have been in the biz little man

12/28/2008 9:10:01 PM

147487 Posts
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i shoulda just paid baonest like 500 bucks to find me a cheap good car via lowball no homo

12/29/2008 12:30:14 AM

Scuba Steve
All American
6931 Posts
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no, homo

12/29/2008 6:10:19 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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When I was looking at getting a new car I checked out an '05 S2000 at a Honda dealership. The sticker on the car said $19,9xx. After a test drive and talking with the salesman a bit we went inside so he could "show me some numbers". After making me wait a few minutes he put a sheet of paper in front of me with the exact same price as what was on the car itself. I was like, WTF is this???? I told him I was thinking more along $17k. He said that the price had already been reduced and thats too low. So I walked out, and as I did the sales manager came out and was like what can we do to get you this car, blah blah blah. (I had a friend who could look up auction info in Charlotte so I knew for a fact the dealership picked this car up for $15,500). I told him maybe we'd come back, but the price was too high.

Anyway I left b/c they were acting shady, and went to the next place where I did find my current baby

12/31/2008 9:51:45 AM

All American
18758 Posts
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Quote :



1/1/2009 10:49:25 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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This is on FB Marketplace, but same idea:

Alright here is the biggest financial mistake my 18year old self made 5 years ago. I have a 2006 Yamaha R6 50th anniversary edition. I got this bike back when I was 18 and it's been awesome and ran great until I got stationed here in Florida and it decided to stop running. The bike turns on and idles but has no throttle response at all. It's now been sitting for a couple months pulling money out of my pockets for monthly payments and putting me deeper and deeper in a hole of debt. If you are someone more financially stable and looking for a good project bike feel free to message me. I understand the asking price is way more than it should be for a bike that doesnt ride but it's the amount still owed.

Haha, he's asking $4300 for a 2007 Yamaha R6 with 37,000 miles. It's probably, I don't know, double what it's worth not in running condition.

How could any seller possibly think that any potential buyer gives a tenth of a shit how much he owes on it?

11/23/2019 11:51:52 PM

All American
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My question is how do you pay on a motorcycle loan for 5 years and still owe that much??

11/26/2019 11:06:32 AM

Universal Magnetic!
18921 Posts
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a buddy in college did something like that. they basically opened a credit card for him and put the bike on the card. his loan was something ridiculous like 17+%.. then he put it in a ditch and ended up in the hospital

11/26/2019 11:16:37 AM

26632 Posts
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if i was in command of young service members i would full on make them bring me loan applications to review

11/26/2019 12:46:35 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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A little over 100,000 miles, as is, ignition needs repair/replace, fuel injection needs cleaning from sitting for years; title belongs to a collection agency, so approximately $3000 of asking price has to be paid to get the certificate of ownership. Read Less

Hahaha, this is for an absolute rat’s-nest of a Honda CBR600RR that I wouldn’t give $2000 for even with no title issues. He wants $4000. Hahahaha

12/7/2019 5:47:00 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^^ yup, or at least make someone available to help.

I went with one of my junior service members and saved him $4000 on his vehicle purchase with like one question.

12/7/2019 9:46:23 PM

 Message Boards » The Garage » Selling car on craigslist..this shit cracks me up Page [1]  
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